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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Life Update, Chelsea Pfieffer and Some Thoughts!

I guess I kind of lied when I said that I was back to my regular rate of posting. I'm still pulling three posts this week, but that's the minimum that I like to do. I don't enjoy accepting the minimum effort from myself, so I'll try and keep sticking with things, especially because I am not entirely sure if I'll be able to update while I'm on the road to South Dakota or not.

I'm stressed. I've still got a lot to do before I leave. Insecurities and fears have been popping up, surviving longer than I'd normally let them due to the climate of anxiety and vulnerability that comes with change. I'm not looking forward to saying "goodbye" to anyone, let alone everyone. Still, I'm overwhelmingly excited. I'm going to have a wonderful life with Malignus. We're going to have an amazing time on the trip out to my new life. I'll never have to listen to him tell me that he doesn't have any clean dishes or food in the house ever again! :D

Yesterday, I shot with Chelsea Pfieffer for the first time. She was amazingly nice and friendly. She's the kind of person you just want to hug. The shoot was very straight-forward: it was a "Chelsea Spanks" reality shoot. The part of modeling that I'm the least good at is acting like someone other than myself when I'm in a position which is very true to my inner self, so being able to just be me while shooting a video was amazingly refreshing. Chelsea and I intend to work together again in the future when I fly back to visit Los Angeles (and to work with other amazing LA people). I've yet to meet someone I dislike when working on a spanking shoot: everyone has been amazingly kind, friendly and enthusiastic. I'm really digging spanking modeling. I just can't get enough.

I'm amazed if there are any people who have not yet tired of self taken photos of my butt in the mirror besides me. I am totally in love with my own butt.

Chelsea spanked me for a half hour straight, which further proved to me that I have absolutely NO sense of time when I'm over a lap. It seemed like a few minutes! I know that I've had spankings that were confirmed to be very long by either knowing the time before and after or having another person around to let me know which had the same feeling: time just flew by because I was really happy to be where I was and I was doing the thing I adore. There have been other spankings, especially disciplinary ones, which seemed like they lasted for about an hour, but in reality were just a few minutes long. It's probably related to the fact that there is some kind of temporal anomaly in the corner of my bedroom: time just slooooooows down there. :P

Tangentially related to what I was talking about earlier (because my scene with Chelsea had an influence on this) I've decided that while I still think that I'm fairly hetero-aligned in terms of D/s, I am just as much of a pan-spanko bottom as I am a pan-sexual. When I was a child, my fantasies were always M/F. My first five years of spanking were exclusively M/F. Recently, I've been playing with girls and women as tops quite a bit, and it's just as enjoyable for me. An open mind is a lovely thing: when I was just focused on males as tops, I was losing a lot of awesome options. F/F is pretty epic win for me, too.

Tonight, I'm going to the Halloween party at Threshold. It's my last dungeon event before I leave LA. Even more bittersweetness. It's going to be a lot of fun, though: all my LA people will be there, except Morri, who is currently out of the country. I didn't even get to have a tearful goodbye! I miss you already, Morri!


  1. I have news for you. A LOT of people are in love with your butt. :-) It's just that first and foremost, we care about the nice girl it's attached to. ;-)

    Very glad to hear the Chelsea shoot went well.Sounds like there's a long video forthcoming. Hope the Threshold party went well too. Hope the insecurities and fears are fading. You know in your heart that you're doing the right thing. That's what matters most.

  2. Moving and saying goodbye is extremely stressful. Hope you get through it all okay. I also always had the M/f fantasy in my head but have played with a few women in addition to men over the years and loved it. It's all about options. ;-)
