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Monday, December 26, 2011

Malignus' Birthday, My Thighs and Other Fun Stuff

Merry Christmas, everyone! I'm on holiday until the 3rd, which means that I'll hopefully get a lot written and stored for your enjoyment in the coming weeks. I hope everyone has been enjoying whatever they celebrated.

For my, celebrations began with Malignus' birthday on the 22nd. HeatherFeather and I had a bunch of fun preparing things: we blew up a billion black and red balloons and filled the house with them, got him some gifts and a cake and made a most delicious dinner. The cake was pretty much the best part, though: it's so him:

You can see from this photo that another spoon was obtained. That was from HeatherFeather, with the condition that only I get hit with it. Because, you know, THAT'S fair. The spoon is from the same series as Warren, and the couple of whacks I got with it make it obvious that it isn't going to be my best friend. 

On the right side of the table, you'll see a tube of Capzasin that I bought out of my own free will. Don't freak out. I'm not insane, I promise.

Well, maybe a little. Or it's just that whole thing with the lack of self preservation.

Doing that meant a lot for me in terms of submission, because I hate it pretty much more than any other thing. Just say the word and my face gets sad (the other night, I got scrunchy faced over the word "capsized" in a video game :P). That said, I've been trying to strike a balance between enjoying the fear that comes with partnering with a sadist and knowing that what happens to me is largely outside of my control and not getting irrationally terrified of anything and creating undue anxiety for myself. My feelings towards Capzasin were way too far over onto the side of irrational fear, and it seemed like an appropriate and beautiful thing to do to give up my protesting and indulgence of fear and take solace in not having control. I even ASKED FOR IT the other night, although I did a horribly pathetic job of it. I was snuggling after a spanking and I wanted to ask, even though I really, really did not want to receive it, just because I wanted to be able to accept it and be relaxed about it. I kept sighing as I tried to and failed, and after prompting I finally got the question out in that dumb, quiet, monotone voice. He said no, which made me incredibly happy. Usually getting myself psyched up over something and having it not happen is displeasing, but this worked out well. I'm hoping that next time it comes up, I'll be able to remember my active part in things and that doing so will allow me to move more easily into submission. Hopefully someday soon, I'll be able to ask for unpleasant things in a voice that gives the seriousness due to the situation (that is, not being excessively nonchalant) but which isn't "um   uh    excuse me could I please... have that thing?

I know that some people think that's torture-horrible and should never be done, but it's important to remember that, like a lot of things that are truly unpleasant, (like my nylon cane, or my lexan paddle, or thigh spanking at all) it serves a purpose within my relationship and I have, despite my dislike of it, I get something quite noteworthy from it in terms of submission. 

Anyway, on Malignus' birthday he gave us his birthday spankings. I was always pretty sure that those were supposed to be kind of light and fun, but Malignus gave HeatherFeather and I his with an acrylic cane. >_< It was fun, however, because it was the first time that HeatherFeather and I got spanked side by side, and that made the experience far more enjoyable. He did, however, hit me really, really hard 30 times (29 for his birthday, and 1 on my thighs because I said I was "fine" at the end when Heather asked instead of talking about how sore I was :P). 

A few minutes later, I somehow got myself into a situation where I had the front of my thighs caned. He'd done it to another one of my friends one time, but never to me (although he'd hit me there with Jenny and lots of times with his hand) and the other day he hit HeatherFeather there twice. Heather had told me to ask him to do it to me, and because I have NO SENSE OF SELF PRESERVATION WHATSOEVER and will always say "Okay!" to something horrible that Malignus wants to do to me for "fun" I agreed and asked him to. 

Holy cow, that hurts. The first two were pretty bad, and then I was matched with Heather. Then he asked me if I wanted as many as he'd given my other friend, and I said yes. The next two made me sob. It was incredibly hard to have what was happening be right in front of me: the psychological factor is 99 percent of things for me, and the sight and sound of an implement in motion have been known to make me gasp or cry out even if they never hit me. Knowing that those strokes were destined for a very sensitive part of my body was incrediscary. When those two were done, he asked me if I wanted one more, so I'd have done more than everyone else, which is just mean, because he knew that there's no way I could say no to that. I had a hard time submitting to that last one, though, especially when he tapped it between two existing welts. I had to hide my face in a pillow. I was disappointed in myself for not being particularly submissive for the last stroke, but I know I'll have other chances and I can just use that as a push to be awesome in the future.

The marks looked like this when it was over: 

That brown bruise is from where he hit me on the inner thigh with a "squirt" cane from Cane-iac a week or so earlier. 

The next day, it "bloomed" and looked a lot worse... on one side, that is:

The side where the cane ended was incredibly more sore than the "near" side, which healed up quite nicely. The feeling of unevenness was really weird and awkward. It bothered me so much that I asked Malignus to even things out, but he refused because it amused him on a sadistic level.

I really, really enjoy being a vessel for sadism. I can enjoy playing with tops who are not sadistic as long as they truly love spanking, but there is really nothing that warms my heart more than knowing that something is horrible simply for the purpose of his enjoyment. I know that I sometimes whine and pout about the agony, but it makes me feel loved and it makes me feel like I'm being unabashedly myself. On Christmas Eve, Malignus hit me with a dishtowel (seriously!) in such a way that it made me cry. The absurdity of it was funny, and he was very, very pleased with himself and as I was crying, I felt very loved and like something was extremely right. It's a very hard thing for me to articulate, so I'll work on it for another time.

By the end of the week, HeatherFeather had left our apartment, not to return for some time, we celebrated Christmas together and then, on Christmas Day, I flew out to visit my remaining family of origin. I'll be here until next Tuesday. I had a hard time leaving, because I find my family of origin stressful, it's a difficult time for them right now to begin with and because, quite frankly, I don't like leaving Malignus. I am taking a lot of comfort in the fact that when the week is over, I'm going home to him instead of it being that I visit him for a week and then leave. I imagine that coming back after the trip is going to make it feel even more home-like to me, and that's a very nice idea.

My cousin was recently engaged, but she's spending the holidays apart from her fiance, as they're both with their families of origin in different states. She showed off her ring at the dinner table and talked about how she liked having something that came from him and showed his love for her on her body and how it made her never feel without him. While everyone was saying "awww," I silently lifted the hem of my skirt and gently poked at the welts and bruises on the front of my thigh ;).


  1. Excellent update. Looking forward to more soon :-) Glad Malignus had such a great birthday.

  2. "..and the sight and sound of an implement in motion have been known to make me gasp or cry out even if they never hit me." That totally happens to me too! Especially with the cane. It's such a mindfuck.

    But I'm always very reactive to my surroundings. I was driving with a friend in NYC on my first visit there and they drive like crazy people and as he was swerving to keep from hitting a car, I physically moved in my seat like I was trying to duck from crashing into the other vehicle. He laughed at me for like 20 min straight. ;-)

    That cake is awesome, by the way. I think Capzasin is fucking evil but if it works for you, it works for you. Hope you enjoy the holidays as much as one can when it involves family and have fun upon your return home.

  3. @BV- Thanks :D
    @Lea - The cane is TOTALLY the worst that way. Malignus swings the nylon cane around and sometimes hits the bed with it when he's not even hitting me and it makes me freak out so much. I'd totally like to see you ducking in the car, too, that sounds hilarious! :D
    As far as family time goes, the internet is keeping me sane ^_^!
