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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Zeldagony: Part II

Yesterday was a pretty big day in the house of Malex. (Malex? Malignus + Alex. We made this up during my first visit here when we wanted to name a spreadsheet of our expenses and it kinda stuck. You're welcome.) Several important things happened. First of all, my (somewhat controversial) post on Tuesday generated a lot of traffic: I reached 592 hits, my highest number in a day ever. Talking about traffic is always a little awkward, because, like talking about how long of a spanking one took, it's entirely relative to the number of hits one was used to getting previously (HA!). As a frame of reference, I usually get between 200 and 300 page views per day, so this was nearly double that. It pleased me quite a bit.

Secondly, and perhaps more excitingly,

On Monday, Malignus spent the night out of town and I played through part of the second to last dungeon out of my own free will (after I finished eating nachos, Sour Patch Kids and strawberry ice cream for dinner).

Don't hate!

On Tuesday, I beat the second to last boss without ever dying, then started the final dungeon. I was clearly getting better .Yesterday, I sat down and finished the ENTIRE REST OF THE GAME. I only died one time when beating the final boss, too. I was super proud of myself for this. In fact, I was almost pissed off that the game had gotten so easy for me right when it was over. Why wasn't I always this good at it? Lame.

Malignus was clearly proud of me, too. When he got home yesterday, I asked for a spanking to reward me for my hard work. He decided that the most appropriate thing to do would be to beat me with the cable to the Nintendo 64 controller. As hilarious and awesome as that sounded, I was a bit concerned about this idea, for I have heard stories of people being hit with cords and cables that never seem to end with "AND IT WAS AWESOME."

I know it doesn't look like much, but holy crap, the cable hurt! I was rolling around on the bed and shouting "I DON'T LIKE THIS! JUST SO YOU KNOW, I DON'T LIKE THIS!"It was not just stingy, it was bitey. Every swat nipped at me. I was totally laughing while crying out though. Too ridiculous.

My signature scrunchy face

But, with Ganondorf defeated, peace returned to Hyrule AND my bottom made properly sore, one might think that this story was over. That said, have you ever heard a story from me which just ended when it was supposed to? Of course not! That would be far too convenient and against my luck's better judgement.

Malignus decided that the only appropriate thing for me to do after having beaten the hardest and most frustrating video game that I've ever played in my life was to START PLAYING IT AGAIN FROM THE BEGINNING. I can't make this stuff up. I seriously considered throwing a giant fit, but A) I'm an adult, B) Malignus is scary and C) I *did* just complain about how it had gotten easy, so I suppose I could live with running through it quickly. So after dinner and with my bottom still sore from the congratulatory beating, I was back in my place in front of the TV, controller in hand.

The problem was, this time I was playing with stricter standards. These do make considerable sense: I'm not learning how to play anymore, so it kind of follows that if I'm dying, I'm just not putting any effort into things. I get it. It's for my own good and stuff: I just didn't particularly enjoy it when Malignus made it a rule that every time I let a particular (easy to beat) enemy hit me in the game, he smacked me on my thigh. My bare, inner thigh. In the same place. When I finished the first section of the game, my leg looked like this:

So that's the end of the story, right? Wrong!

Malignus went into the other room to talk to some other girl on the phone, and I thoroughly iced my poor pathetic thigh while complaining to Naomi and anyone else who would listen to me about how much it hurt. When Malignus returned, I made sure to let him know how sore I still was. He responded with "That makes me want to hit you again" and a wicked, sadistic smile.

I shook my head vigorously. "But I've just iced it! You can't hit me when my leg is all iced and cold! Doooooooon't!" (I'm know, I know. I sometimes toss my dignity to the wind.)

He told me to stand up. I'd changed into my pajama pants while he was on the phone and he told me to come stand in front of him (he was sitting in a chair) and pull my pants down, which I did. He then told me to sit down on the floor facing him, which I also did. "Is it appropriate for you to tell me what to do?" he asked in a dangerously serious voice. When spoken to with that tone, it's a struggle for me to maintain a full voice. I managed to get out a "No, Sir" without sounding ALL THAT pathetic. Then he smacked my leg again, MUCH harder than he had been doing before. I started to cry, because it hurt like crazy and I'm a total weakling when it comes to the thighs, and I scooted over to where he was sitting and put my head on his lap. He stroked my hair for a moment as I quieted.


He then decided that the best thing to do was to put capsaicin cream on it. I had promised on his birthday not to protest against capsaicin anymore, so I got up and brought it to him. I then spent the entire rest of the night being sad about how much it hurt. Christ, it's really the worst thing. At best, it makes you unable to avoid feeling the fact that you've been spanked. At worst, it feels like you're going to die by being immolated. It kind of went back and forth between those extremes for the rest of the evening.

Story is still not over.

Now, the other day, Malignus discovered an implement which I had brought back with me from New Jersey which had been previously ignored in favor of heavier artillery. It's a small, lightweight bamboo spoon. It really doesn't weigh anything, but it has a good sized spanking surface. I call it "Panda Food" because of the bamboo handle.

On Tuesday night, Malignus gave me my nightly spanking with it and I was extremely surprised by just how awful it was. The thing just. stings. There's no other way of putting it: there's no weight to it, and therefore it's the least thuddy thing I've ever been spanked with (even less than a plastic hairbrush). I shudder just thinking about it. I think that many spankees prefer thud because it's very gratifying-- you really can tell that you've sustained a heavy impact and it makes you kinda feel like a BAMF. Sting is just surface pain, there's none of that long, sustained throbbing that comes from the body recognizing injury afterwards. It's superficial. But it hurts like a total bitch. Malignus has been sure to point out to me that because it causes no real damage, I could be spanked with this spoon all day without any detrimental effects. Except, you know, insanity.

After I spent a while trying to enjoy Star Trek TNG despite the fact that I was in various states of agony, Malignus decided that he wanted to hit me on the thigh AGAIN and that this time, he wanted me to bring him the aforementioned spoon. I was hesitant to do so, but did not protest. Again, I bared my thigh, and this time I buried my face in a pillow. The pain of it made my head explode, pretty much. He hit me more than once, and I found myself rolling around and freaking out. I became so not concerned with my surroundings that I hit my head into the wall a bit, but I didn't even care. Somehow, I found myself curled up in Malignus' lap sobbing while he comforted me and reminded me that he loved me and that I'm a very good girl. I know it sounds horrible, and it was, but at the same time, I loved it. I loved how happy indulging his sadism made him. I love being pushed that far. I loved that I had (mostly) accepted something that I hate. Lying there while I regained my calm, I found myself in this sort of otherworldly state of comfort-- entirely spent, but the vacant space where all the fight in me had been was filled with a warm and enjoyable sense of comfort.

I really hope you aren't bored yet. Because there's more.
Eventually, it became bedtime and therefore, time for me to receive my spanking. Malignus asked me if I still wanted one, but that's kind of a dumb question. I always want a spanking. Unfortunately, he decided to use that stupid spoon again. I cried from pretty much the start of it because, as previously mentioned, the fight in me was all used up. It hurt like hell and it was a very satisfying and relieving cry. When he'd finished and I'd pulled up my underwear (I'd given up on pajama pants at some point) he decided to give me a good smack on either hand. When those were both done, he grabbed my left hand again and tapped the spoon against my palm. I prepared myself for it, but instead, he hit me on the inside of the elbow. UGGGGGGGGGH! Finally, the night finished up by him grabbing my welted and bruised thigh as hard as he could. Just the grabbing made me burst into tears a final time. This pleased him a great deal, and he laughed and hugged me, obviously very satisfied with himself.

So that was my day yesterday! I kind of want a t-shirt that says "I beat Zelda and all I got were these lousy bruises."


  1. Dag. I think your "reward" was tougher than what Link goes through in his actual adventures. Amazing story though. :) Congrats. Now onward to Skyward Sword. ;-)


    1. You did! That was why I complained about him hitting me again, too. Otherwise it wouldn't have even occurred to me. I might have even dropped your name in there during my whining. I don't remember.

  3. That'd be an awesome shirt but not too many people would get it. ;-) Thighs. Oww. That's all I'll say about that.

    1. The confusion would be pretty hilarious though! And you are correct with the Owwww!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You know, all that game speak makes my eyes glaze over! :-D I have NO idea what you're talking about since I don't really play video games!

    Hitting cold skin is a horrendous thing!! I don't think I have ever been spanked after icing, but I did write a story about being spanked on a cold butt. One that was cold cuz I had been sitting on cold concrete. You know how that goes. Then a spanking came, and it was like a million bees stinging!!


    1. I recommend not getting spanked after icing. And probably not sitting on the cold concrete anymore, either! :)

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