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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Happy Face!

First item of business: I'm February's Blog of the Month over on The Spanking Bloggers Network. Thanks to everyone who voted for me! The Spanking Bloggers Network is an awesome thing, and I'm very grateful for it. It brings a lot of traffic and introduces me to new and exciting blogs every time I check it out. If you're a spanking blogger and not a member of it yet, I urge you to check it out. If you don't blog, check out the main page for links to other awesome writers on our favorite subject.

Secondly: I'm almost embarrassed to brag about this, but I finally got my driver's license. I didn't learn to drive when I was the normal age because my life was in a difficult place at the time. After that, I always lived in large cities and was greatly intimidated by driving in heavy traffic conditions. Finally, out here in South Dakota, I was able to become a confident driver. Once I got ready to take my test, however, things kept going wrong.

The first time I went to take my test, Heather drove me. We arrived and were promptly told that I was not in the computer system to take my test that day. They gave me a different appointment. The second appointment had to be rescheduled, however, because it was for the time when I was in New Jersey for my elder brother's funeral. On the morning of my third appointment, I got running slightly late because I needed to put air in one of my tires which had gotten a bit low, and I arrived five minutes behind schedule. I was told that I was too late to test. The morning of my fourth appointment, I got a phone call from the DMV saying that all morning tests were cancelled because the Examiner was out sick and they were unable to find a replacement. The morning of my sixth appointment, I woke up to eight inches of freshly falled snow and near white-out conditions. As I was clearing off my car, I got a call that they could not test because of the weather.

The morning of my seventh appointment I was very, very nervous. I'd wanted this for such a long time and all the roadblocks that had been thrown in my face made me almost believe that the Universe had some kind of conscious, malevolent agenda against me (I DID say almost, you know I don't buy all that metaphysical stuff :P). I got up, got ready and got to the appointment without anything bad happening. They found me in the computer and gave me my paperwork. Finally, I got in the car and started my test. The Examiner was mean. He seriously yelled every time I did anything less than perfectly, and before I started each turn he would say "DO IT PROPERLY THIS TIME!"

Why are mean men always showing up and yelling at me EVERYWHERE I GO?

When we finished the test, he said "did you prepare for this?"

I nearly started to cry. I was so sure I'd failed. I told him I had, indeed, prepared.

"Well you did very bad" he said. I was so upset I didn't even correct his grammar. He brought me inside and started doing a bunch of paperwork. He didn't tell me I had passed the test, ever. I only figured it out when he handed me my license. I nearly exploded with relief and excitement. It was magical.
I listened to The Mountain Goats and sang off key way too loudly all the way home.

Malignus was super proud of me, and we've basically spent the entire past two days celebrating how awesome I am. He gave me a reward spanking yesterday before we went out, and it was seriously the nicest thing ever. It started with a nice, long warmup that made me smile and practically coo (I try not to do that aloud, of course, because I think spanking a girl until she made happy bird noises might make Malignus explode to death and I don't want that.) Then he spanked me with a wooden spoon for a while, hard enough to make me cry, but still with a tone of happiness and contentment. When that was finished, he gave me a lovely cooldown with his hand. It was incredibly cozy and happy, and I continued to feel warm and snuggly for the rest of the evening.

After that, we went out to dinner, where I proceeded to get moderately intoxicated from one glass of Sangria, consumed with a meal. SIGH. Being a lightweight is kiiiiiind of embarrassing. The food we ate was super amazing, and I got a tiny pink dessert in a little tea cup. Cute and delicious and full of win. I then went over to some friends' house and had lots of fun hanging out with them while Malignus went to work. I then went and hung out at his office and ended up getting home at 6:30 in the morning or something. After that, I slept ALL DAY. I know this isn't something to be proud of, but damn, I'm proud of it. I love sleeping and I don't care who knows. I seriously slept until it was time to get ready for dinner.

We went out to dinner again, and then to ice cream, and then to a movie. Now I'm home and snuggled up writing. Tomorrow, we're going to hang out with friends for a Super Bowl party. This weekend is basically full of win.

I didn't take any photos of my butt for the past several days (GASP?!) but here's a picture of it after a caning I got last weekend.

Don't worry: I didn't get sudden butt death!
I hope your weekend is good, although I bet it isn't as amazing as mine! :P


  1. grats on your license my friend and for the total lack of sudden butt death.

  2. Congrats on getting your drivers license! Maybe you can drive down to Cali! YAAY! We miss you!

    1. I'll be back before long for shoots, and will hit you up once I have solid plans!

  3. ^_^ I am SOOO happy for you passing your test! and the spanking Malignus gave you sounds very enjoyable ^_^ Glad things are going great for you! ^_^


  4. Congrats on being the blog of the month! We're also members of The Spanking Bloggers Network and big fans. The people that organize it are really-really nice. Very cool news about your DL. There are people that have been driving for longer than you have been alive that go way out of their way to avoid southern Cal traffic. It is nerve racking! Maybe even more so than seeing Malignus walking towards you with a cane!


    1. I dunno, at least getting into a car crash is avoidable. :P

  5. Congrats on blog of the month! I nominated you because I always enjoy reading over here and love that you have such a wide variety of topics. Hopefully some new folks pop by and make your blog a regular stop too. :-) I'm glad you have thus survived sudden butt death as well!

    Congrats on the driver's license! 7 tries? Wow that's crazy. I would've been nervous too. I failed my first road test in high school because when they told me to do a U turn I just did it without looking and supposedly almost hit someone. Whatever. Lol. Anyway, when I retook it at the DMV I found it to be much easier because you don't have to really go on the road, it's just a course with no people. Dunno if it's still like that. But even with failing parallel parking, I passed.

    I'm a ridiculously safe driver even now, I always go exactly the speed limit and avoid freeways because people try to run me over. You know that car you get behind and think "Oh my god, can't they go faster? Nobody is in front of them!" Yeah, that's me. Lol.

    1. Thanks for the nomination! It made me very happy.

      I took the test on the streets, but in an area with almost no traffic AND he didn't make me parallel park. That might be the only reason I passed :P.

  6. Congrats!!! On both counts. Also that was spectactularly MEAN of your examiner.

    Major points for loving The Mountain Goats!

    -Heather (the parttimelondon one)

    1. Thanks! I'm kiiiiiiiinda obsessed with The Mountain Goats. Not being able to frequently see them live was a concern of mine when I decided to move out here. :P

    2. I love them. If you can wear out a digital file, Love Love Love will be gone soon.

  7. Yay you!!! You can drive now! Also, I started a new blog. :D

    1. Yep! I keep driving to SF all the time, so I can hang out sometime if you are free!

  8. Aces. Two amazing victories. Big time WIN and WIN. Congrats.
