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Monday, March 19, 2012

Does This Hurt?!

I realized that I left a very important announcement off my blog: Heather came back!

In case you haven't been following along, Heather is one of my best friends and a fellow spanko bottom. I met her through Malignus over fetlife, and she was actually the first person outside of LA that I met from the internet when we visited her in Northern California on my way back from visiting a girlfriend up there. The two of us got along swimmingly, and a friendship that I hope I'll have for the rest of my life was born. She came to LA to help me move to South Dakota, and because of changing situations in her life, she ended up staying out here with Malignus and I for two months. Now she's back, and she'll be with us for a few more months. It's VERY nice having her here. We have a lot of fun together, she helps me with girl stuff, we get spanked together and we decided to start making videos together.

Long before I ever thought I'd be a spanking model, Heather and I made a video in which she spanked me with celery stalks. It was the first video of a spanking I was ever involved in. We did this because it was a weird train of connections and inside jokes and we're just strange girls like that. We've since then talked quite a bit about other videos that we could make that included strange implements. You have to remember that the two of us go through pretty much any store and find things that we think could be used to spank someone. It's like a hobby for us.

From these ideas, we created the idea for "Does This Hurt?!" It's a mini-series of free spanking videos in which Heather and I will spank each other with strange pervertables to see which ones hurt and which ones don't. We've only filmed the first episode thus far, but you can expect things ranging from the "almost normal" to the "0_0" (but nothing gross. Don't worry!)

Our first video is entitled "Trout" and features a cutting board which was purchased at a Sioux Falls area thrift store. I can't tell you why, but I think that it is the most freaking hilarious thing ever. I can't stop saying the word "trout."

Please enjoy the first video. We're aiming to release one per week.


  1. Cute video. I totally thought from your previous post that you were going to be spanked with a fish or something. Lol.

    1. Hahaha! That would probably be messy/unsanitary.

  2. Loved this video. It gets better with every viewing :-)

    So of course, when you feel an urge to cuss while being spanked, you just say "TROUT!!!" or maybe "CELERY!!" depending on what you're being spanked with?? ;-)

    1. Interesting tangent: I've never really said swear words during a spanking, even though it's never been prohibited. I don't say much of anything unless it's for fun.

  3. I totally lost it at "It feels like I'm counting to 12 in trout language!" Adorable!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you had fun watching: we certainly did making it.

  4. Saw the video over at SpankingTube... and very cute. Will be fun following your updates. Really neat that you have a spanko friend staying with you. That does make for a lot of fun. And celery stalks? lol... that's a good one. Have spanked with a carrot and banana before, we'll have to try celery though!


    1. I like the idea of carrots! My mind is coming up with stuff now! :)

  5. Such unfettered fun is refreshing, and you're a brave soul to take that board. Keep those videos coming!
