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Sunday, April 29, 2012

In and Out of Spankingland

It's been a while since I've posted. I'm hardly seen online these days. My activity on fetlife is sporadic. My stats show that this has been my lowest traffic month this year, despite my attempts to draw more attention by using twitter and tumblr. I've had people express that my partial withdraw from the community worries them.

It isn't something to worry about. I'm quite fine. Unfortunately, for various complex reasons, I am currently not being spanked regularly anymore. Because of this, I don't have much to talk about. Furthermore, because I'd obviously rather be getting spanked than not getting spanked, I find it a bit saddening to hear about everyone else's adventures, and I find myself not wanting to read blogs or look at photos. Still, with or without new stories, I know that Spankingland is the place where I belong. Frankly, being offline hasn't helped to quell my desires, either. Everywhere I go, I find things that remind me of spanking. Hairbrushes, belts, wooden spoons and more are on display when I go shopping. The trees sway with switches. A male coworker rolls up his shirt sleeves and puts his hands on his hips. A vanilla friend talks smack about "Words With Friends" by saying he's going to "give me an ass whuppin." At this point in my life, I have more spanko friends than vanilla friends that I talk to on a regular basis. And I have to admit that even if I was in an empty room with nothing to remind me of spanking, my brain would go there anyway. It's in my brain and it's a part of me. There's nothing I can do about those two things (not that I would want to in general. I just mean until things get back to normal).

The moral of this story is that I am going to try to return to my normal level of involvement in the community and that I apologize for my absence.

Fortunately, I was able to get spanked by a close friend in Sioux Falls on Friday night. He's not a spanko (he's a general kinkster) but he was a great Top and I really enjoy trying things that are a bit "different" than my usual comfort zone. I lay on the bed over a pillow while he sat next to me and spanked me with a variety of implements after giving me a nice, long (coveted) warmup. It was also a wonderfully long spanking: it lasted for about 45 minutes. It was enjoyable to have something nice and long instead of short and severe (of course I love that, too).

Heather and the Top's wife (who is also my good friend) watched and sometimes bantered with us while I was being spanked, and then the four of us hung out while I "came down" from all the endorphins. I had a popsicle and cuddled my stuffed koala. It was a lovely night.

I greatly appreciated going to bed with a sore bottom that night, but waking up with one the next morning was even more lovely.

There will be more updates this week: I promise that much!
For now, I'll live vicariously through you guys, so have lots of spanking adventures for me!


  1. Everyone has periods of "feast and famine". Hopefully you'll be back in "feast" soon. Meanwhile, these new pics are beautiful, and it's always great to see new writing. Keep up the great work whenever you can.

  2. I get what you mean about not feeling like reading about things and interacting when in a personal down time. Everyone will be here when you get back.
