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Monday, April 9, 2012


Blogging while on Vacation didn't work out so well. This is largely because of two things: first of all, I was working quite a bit. I did more shoots in a week than I've ever done, and that was after I had to cancel one shoot due to illness resulting from exhaustion and another shoot cancelled on me. The second reason is because I was living in the moment as much as I possibly could: I tried to spend as much time as possible paying attention to the people I was with and the places that I was instead of being online or keeping my mind of what was going on in South Dakota. This was kind of hard for me, because I'm scatter brained and I missed my home a lot, but it ultimately was very rewarding. So I'll now tell all the stories that I can remember from the past ten days and then wrap up with what I learned about how to be a traveling model. Onward!

One thing which Maddycake and I love doing is going to stores and trying on cute clothes. It's one of the most girly things that I do. We go in and we shop for a long time, then we try a bunch of stuff on in different sizes and then we take photos of ourselves in the fitting rooms and in the end I almost never buy anything. It isn't that I don't INTEND to buy something- it's just that nothing ever has the right combination of fitting my shape and being inexpensive.

So, we went to Hustler Hollywood and did that one of the first nights I was there.

This didn't fit, but it looked pretty good while not fitting!

I found some pretty amazing booty shorts there, which were very nearly made for me:

Because they were $30 for essentially a pair of panties, and I am so very well behaved, I did not purchase them. But they were super fun.

I also tried on something that I used to be very opposed to, just for kicks:

(It's not the bird necklace: that's mine)
I have to admit: it's a very pretty piece of neckwear. Playing dress up never stops being fun.

The next day, Maddy and I spent a while tracking down ingredients for some amazing cupcakes that we made and then making said cupcakes. They were strawberry margarita flavored, with vanilla cake with lime zest and strawberry frosting with lime juice and vest, topped with homemade pink sugar and strawberry and lime slices. They were so much epic win!

Maddy and a new friend, Cassidy, did a lot of the work
We had time to take some photos of my butt (because what day is complete without!?)

Then we got ready and went to a party thrown by the TNG group which I started when I lived here and handed off to Maddy when I moved. There was so much amazing food, people who I've missed very much, and me successfully drinking without breaking anything. MaskofNormality made the absolute best carne asada that I've ever eaten. It was so good that I seriously dreamed about it. Then again, everything MoN does is pretty amazing. :)

I spent most of the next day shooting with Omar, an old friend and the photographer who I've worked with the most times. We had kind of a rough patch in terms of our friendship and collaboration when I moved away, but we smoothed things out and had an amazing time. We went to one of his secret shooting spots and took some amazing outdoor stuff, then we went and had pancakes (they were awesome) and then went back to Siq's place and took bedroom photos while Maddy got to learn about how shoots often go, since she's just started modeling.
I'll eventually be posting photos from that set once I get them back. :)

The next day, I shot with Clare Fonda. It was one of my highest profile shoots to date, and very, very exciting. Clare and her camera man were INCREDIBLY nice and easy to be around. They were fun and we laughed a lot during the shoot (when we were off camera of course!) and we did some awesome scenes that I look forward to sharing with you when they are released. Clare has about twelve pets and they're all pretty adorable.



The shoot went well and I had a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to working with them again in the future. I don't want to give away too many spoilers, but I will say that I got to wear monkey pajamas in one scene and my new plaid kilt style skirt in another and that was full of win.

That's all for today! The story will continue tomorrow!


  1. Awesome pics and another awesome post. Glad the Clare Fonda Shoot went so well. :-) Looking forward to seeing the results. Congrats.

  2. Sounds like a great trip! And those cupcakes look incredible!

  3. Very pretty butt photos.
