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Saturday, December 22, 2012

More Surprises!

Remember last post, when I said that PTL couldn't come visit because of her responsible adult life?
I lied!

Originally, all the girls were supposed to come on the same weekend, but due to some complications relating to which weekend is the "weekend before Malignus' birthday" (the one before his birthday, or the one which includes his birthday) we ended up with ellee and PTL taking different days off from work. In the end, we decided to just split it and have ellee on one weekend and PTL on another. I purchased Heather's tickets for the same weekend as ellee was visiting because they were less expensive at that time. Once that was all settled, we got to work at something that this whole "surprise" ordeal has made us all very good at: the lying.

We had a perfectly good reason why she couldn't be here, so we cooked up a few more details and then secretly text messaged each other back and forth, being extremely giddy about how exciting it would be when she finally *did* arrive.

On Thursday night, I was antsy about the coming excitement and felt extra energetic as we were hanging out and watching TV. I had trouble sleeping when my bedtime arrived, and I kept waking up excitedly. It didn't help that earlier that evening an entire freaking CHRISTMAS TREE had arrived from none other than PTL:

On Friday, I got up and finished picking up the house from my previous guests and resetting things to "guest standards." PTL had messaged me to let me know that she had landed, but that her bag was delayed, so I gathered up a bunch of travel sized toiletries for her. Once all that was done, I got into the bath to relax a bit. I was still all wet and naked with a mask on my face when I got the text that read "I'm downstairs!" She found my apartment and I came to the door in a towel. I'm classy like that. She then got to have the pleasure of watching me dress and get ready before we headed off.

I'd set up a dinner with Malignus in town that evening, telling him that I wanted to have a casual and relaxed meal together before his actual birthday. When we got there, we explained to the hostest that we were actually a party of three but would only need two place settings now, as PTL was going to hide in the bathroom until Malignus arrived. The waitstaff was all very understanding. I sat and waited while she hid. Eight minutes later, I texted her to let her know he'd arrived. A minute or so after we got seated, she casually walked out of the bathroom and sat down next to him. "Hey, what's good here?" she asked.

He had no idea she was coming. It was perfect. 

We had an awesome dinner, then went and watched a movie all together. Afterwards, we came home and got pretty directly to the hitting with things. PTL got some pretty beautiful looking Twizzling:

The marks that they leave are so unique and kind of amazing. They are raised and braided and painful.

There were also thigh turkeys for both of us:

PTL (on the left) and me with smacked thighs and matching underpants :D The reason my left leg looks less red is because PTL is the one who hit me there, not Malignus. :P
We had lots of fun, relaxed and painful times, including a revisiting of all the implements that I mentioned regarding ellee and Heather's visit. I also got rapped on the knuckles with the Twizzler. Candy coated agony. :)

When 12:12 AM arrived, it was officially Malignus' birthday, as he was born at 1:12 AM, EST. He then proceded to give each of us 30 cane strokes. They weren't particularly hard, but there are never friendly cane strokes. A little while after, I looked like this:

Unfortunately, that mischievous scamp Beth Eisley heard about the dates mix up, decided that it was all my fault and began to insist that I needed to be "beaten within an inch of my life" because of it. When we got on Skype with her after the birthday caning, she began insisting this fairly heavily. Fortunately for me, Malignus doesn't do what anyone tells him to. Instead, Beth got "Alex getting hurt denial."

Eventually, Malignus got very excessively sleepy and we signed off for the night and all went to bed. It was a happy, happy night. :)

This morning, PTL and I made a birthday breakfast while listening to Christmas music. I received and opened some lovely Christmas gifts from vanilla sources, and I'm now wearing fuzzy pajama pants with adorable bears on them. Unfortunately, my physical birthday gift for Malignus didn't arrive in time, but PTL bought him Portal and Portal II as his gift, so they've been playing them all day.

Aparently, Malignus euthanized his Companion Cube more quickly than any other test subject on record. No one was surprised. :)


  1. Yay for spankings, Twizzlers, and Christmas!

    It was so fun Skyping with y'all.

    Well, you can tell Malignus that I'm all about denial so it made me happy too. :D

    1. Oh, good. I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear that. :P

  2. More fun with friends! Awesome! I've heard a LOT of people talk about how much they love Portal lately.

    1. Yeah, I played it years ago, but it's been fun to see him go through it. :)

  3. This was the best, and you are the best. I love our matching underwears so. Everything from our surprise to the stupid stupid STUPID thing I said about science makes me smile and awwww to remember.

    1. YOU ARE ALSO THE BEST! I'm still really happy that I decided to buy unnecessary underwear in order to have matching ones with you. :)
      Missing you!

  4. And *that* is how good girls lie :P
