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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Snuck Up On

It started on New Year's Eve.

When we were discussing what would make for a good New Year's, I had, of course, mentioned a spanking to ring in the year. We spent the evening at home together, so as midnight approached, Malignus instructed me to find something that I wanted to be spanked with. Selecting one's own implement is an ordeal. There's a certain balance that has to be struck. I'm only ever asked to select implements for lighthearted spankings, so I don't want to select something which will be excessive for that atmosphere and make me miserable. At the same time, I'm less emotionally vulnerable in such a situation, so I don't feel pain as severely as I would during other types of spankings so I don't want to select something which isn't going to leave me feeling like I was properly spanked. I spent probably too long a time literally weighing my options (picking them up in my hand to feel the heft and weight of them, giving myself test swats et cetera) and finally made my choice. I selected "Ben," a pretty hefty wooden spoon, since I was feeling rather daring. Once this selection had been made, I brought it to Malignus and he invited me to lie over his lap while we watched Firefly. In case you don't know, this is my favorite show of all time. I derive the surname of my scene identity from the main character: Malcolm Reynolds.

I'm seriously in love. Don't judge.

I haven't spent a lot of time lying bare bottomed over someone's lap when a spanking was not in progress. It was basically the coziest and most relaxing thing I'd ever felt. I knew entirely that I belonged there and that everything was right with the world. Then, right before Midnight, Malignus announced that he was going to hit me 67 times. I found this confusing, considering the fact that Malignus is mildly OCD and really hates prime and odd numbers and that it seemed like an entirely arbitrary number. Soon, though, our alarms beeped for midnight and Malignus began my spanking. It was fairly hard, and I had selected a pretty serious implement, so I squirmed and wailed. He spanked me at an even tempo, but building in intensity. Still, 67 swats isn't all that many for an OTK style spanking, so it ended at a point where I was gasping for breath and felt very much like I had been soundly spanked but before it reached a point where things had become truly overwhelming. Afterwards, we hugged and exchanged "Happy New Years!" and then went back to the episode.

After a little bit, I asked him why he had selected that number. He told me to figure it out on my own. This lead to me doing a lot of math on the calculator on my phone. The closest thing that I came up with was the fact that 2013 divided by 30 was ~67. I guessed that this was because 30 is the age that Malignus recently turned. He informed me that while my math was correct, the reason behind it was not. He then told me that it was his intention to spank me in this manner every day for the next thirty days, so that by the end of the month (with a little wiggle room) I'd receive 2013 spanks. This idea made me seriously grin, as does any plan that involves me getting lots and lots of spanking.

We worked on the schedule of having a nightly, succinct spanking for the first week or so of the month and then our vanilla lives took over and declared that this was not to be the case. Malignus' work schedule got in the way of things for a few days, and then I left for my Denver excursion, which I returned from with a serious case of the flu which Malignus then contracted from me, following which he pulled a muscle in his spanking arm... you get the point. Things just kept happening that kept us from working on our celebratory plan.

Instead, Malignus decided that we'd get caught up in the form of clusters. He started giving me sets of 67 swats with one implement before moving on to the next one and the next one. I actually preferred this a bit, since these spankings ended up pushing me further and therefore being more gratifying for me.

On Monday of this week, we still had quite a few sets of 67 to get through and the month was, obviously, coming to a close. The spanking started with "Let's work on New Years." I then got into position over a few pillows on the bed as he grabbed a handful of implements from their secret stash (a giant pile under the bed which is kind of flowing out from two toy bags). The spanking started out differently than many spankings do between us: he started using a hairbrush with a very small spanking surface but using it quite hard and at a noteworthily quick pace. It felt like the entire set of 67 swats was delivered in about thirty seconds. Due to the startling nature of this, I did not take this set particularly well. I rolled around a bit, kicked once or twice and cried out "OW," which always feels a little foolish to me. (Well, duh, ow, Alex! says the voice in my head).

The next two sets were considerably less severe. He used lightweight implements at a fairly manageable pace, and I relaxed into the spanking. The next two implements brought me to the peak of where this particular spanking would hurt: he used this silly joke paddle that I got at Bear Country USA. It's basically made of plywood and reads "Bald Man's Hairbrush." I bought it mostly out of amazement that they still sell souvenir paddles somewhere in the world! I had never actually been spanked with it before. (Un)fortunately, Malignus is a Wizard when it comes to spanking, and he managed to get it to be the most intolerably stingy thing ever. I felt positively lit on fire when the set ended. Immediately after, he switched to my nemesis: our small lexan paddle. He didn't use it with full force, but it still hurt like nobody's business. Immediately after that, he used a wooden spoon very lightly.

When that was over, he moved on to use a number of other implements which I didn't really keep track of, but I noticed an unusual pattern: none of them hurt. At all. It felt like I was getting spanked, but without any of the pain. At one point, I stopped to point this out and Malignus explained that it had to do with my endorphins and the manner in which the first set had made my skin swell and the way that the light set had offset the painful part. That's not very clear, because it was being explained to me while I was in endorphin land.

What eventually happened, though, was that I was able to take spanking after spanking without blinking an eye. The most interesting part was when he started caning me. He gave me 67 strokes with a rattan cane that usually makes me cry with six. I didn't feel any of the surface pain whatsoever. I just felt the lingering ache that accompanies cane strokes, and found that without the buzzing, itching (as Pandora Blake described it) sting, it was postively pleasant. I remarked that none of this was hurting, and Malignus sort of laughed. "The beauty of this," he said, "is that it will later." He then rubbed capsaicin on my very warm bottom, just to be sure, I suppose.

By the time we finished for the day, I had been spanked with all these things:

My butt was in the following condition:

For most of the day, all I really felt when I sat down was the capsaicin. It was full of it's usually burning, but because I still had a residual endorphin high, I felt pretty okay with this. Then, around eight PM, I got up, did a few things and sat back down on my computer to discover that I felt like I had been very severely spanked. It was like magic. All day, the spanking had been hiding under my endorphines and swelling and suddenly it appeared.
I guess there are still new experiences for me in Spankingland. :)                                                                                                                              


  1. Great post. 13 implements? Impressive. Trust me, you're not the only girl obsessively in love with Captain Malcolm. ;-)

    1. Thanks! I also got a hand spanking when everything else was done, which "evened out" that number. Malignus hasn't TOTALLY gone prime crazy. :P

      Anyone who doesn't have some affection for Mal is someone I don't want to know! :)

  2. I love this post! You do such a great job in describing the spankings. And I can certainly relate to the endorphins thing. That is why I love long drawn out spankings with plenty of build up. By the end I am just in my happy place and don't really feel the effects until after :)

    1. Thanks so much, Dawn! It's a surprising and interesting experience, huh?

  3. And I voted for your site without knowing that you love Firefly! Just keeps getting better and better :D

  4. I want to go to endorphin land! I never get to that point. It sounds like you've had a good spanking year so far!

    1. I hope you get to at some point, Lea! It's really awesome.
      I have had a great year so far! I hope you have, too! :D

  5. Joss Whedon rules! :-)

    (Also known as, "Anyone who loves 'Firefly' is a friend of mine....)

    Dr. Ken

  6. That sounds great and like a lovely way to start the new (spanking) year, Alex! :-) Since our spankings are usually shorter (plus I am a control freak), I normally don't have an endorphin high during or afterwards. And I think I have never reached a point at which a caning was almost painless. But I have experienced occasions when the pain became easier to bear after a while and when I felt like I didn't have to worry about not being able to take what was coming. And even that already was a wonderful feeling.

    Oh, and Firefly is cool! :-)

    1. Thanks for your comment. It has taken me a long time to get to the point where I can be this vulnerable and basically "let" myself feel that kind of a rush, but I'm glad that I can now. :)
      Yay Firefly!

  7. Really enjoy reading your blog. I'm a huge Firefly fan myself, which makes this blog that much more awesome. I'm also a big fan of the TV show Castle, mainly because of the random Firefly references that they drop in the show from time to time. Anyways, I hope to experience what you did someday, but have to find someone to play with first...

    1. Hi there!
      I'm so glad that you're enjoying my blog . I haven't watched much Castle, myself, but I'd like to check it out sometime. I keep hearing good things. :)
