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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Adventure Continues: Roleplaying

I'm still alive! Safe and sound at Pandora Blake's flat in London. I've had lots and lots of adventures recently, and little time to sit down and write about them. Fortunately for me, Pandora has kind of Topped me into stopping being distracted and getting some writing done. Huzzah!

I left off on my story about the Vegas trip with the end of Thursday night, and I shall continue from there.

On Friday, I woke up in bed with Joe and Ten, which was a really nice feeling. There was a little more morning snuggling and chatting and then we got to work packing up all the things, because we were switching to a different room that day. A hotel bell hop came to help us move stuff, and we had the following conversation.

Him: Are you guys getting married (referring to me and Joe).
Me: (blushing) No!
Him: Haha! She doesn't want to marry you!

Obviously, that was too complex of a situation to explain to a stranger at that moment.

Him: So, what ARE you doing?
Joe: We're just fifty freaky people having a party.

Apparently, later in the day, when others were moving in this same hotel employee asked them if they were some of the "fifty freaks," which gave rise to a new name for our little gathering.

After helping with move in, I had my only working engagement for the weekend, which went swimmingly. When I finished, I started trying to figure out who was where. This was a little difficult because I didn't know where anyone's room was besides Joe and Ten and there was no other central gathering place. It turned out that a lot of my friends were hanging out elsewhere, so I spent a bit of time with Whooperine, and then a bit more with Sophie Grey. Despite the fact that I was having fun, most of my thought process for the day can be summed up this way:

YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! YS and ellee will be here tonight! 

My excitement over seeing them was a little excessive, but I think it was justified. I basically believe that ellee and I have to see each other regularly or else we'll both die. Twin-drop can be terminal if not treated quickly enough. The time that we spend together is always beyond pleasant and I love having adventures, appreciating cute things, cuddling and getting spanked with her. We have our serious conversations, too, of course, and since we've known each other she has remained one of my most trusted confidents and a source of very useful advice.

As I mentioned before, YS and I hadn't gotten to see each other at all since we began our D/s dynamic in October. We've had lots of important conversations and found ways to engage that are really fulfilling and gratifying, but I was really looking forward to having propinquity with him. I was also really looking forward to being spanked by him again, especially now that we have our power dynamic. In fact, I hadn't been as excited about being spanked by someone since I was en route for my first ever visit with Malignus all that time ago. I spent a lot of the day alternating between bouncing and looking at the time on my phone.

That evening, everyone gathered in Joe and Ten's new suite, which was just lovely. The facilities were perfect for a group of our size and there were plenty of places available for playing. I got to spend some time chatting with various people who I like, including Lily StarrRichard Windsor and Erica Scott.

Lily Starr and I in our adorable dresses :)

Now, as I previously mentioned, I had gotten myself into massive amounts of trouble with Richard and I was feeling very nervous about that (in a positive way). I really wanted to be spanked by him before said trouble, though. This was partially to sort of mentally warm up for the caning I'd be getting later that weekend and partially just because I've really liked and admired him for a long time, and that's what I want from Tops who I like and admire. :P

I'm still working on making my interest in being spanked by someone known, especially at a party. In general, I don't like being too bratty. I don't like to be a bad girl. I do know that the whole "I'm constantly good! Look how good I am!" routine gets old pretty quickly. So, I've been trying to find a balance between being humorously bratty with people who I know are comfortable with that without being actually "bad." Some of my early attempts with this didn't actually go the way that I would have liked them to, but that simply meant that more work was needed at finding the balance, not that it was time to give up. I decided to try again.

One piece of banter which has been enjoyable on Fetlife was the idea of "The 43 Minute Rule." This is basically just a bunch of girls teasing Rich because once he posted a new topic to "The Spanking World: Good vs. Bad" but then complained that 43 minutes later, it didn't have any comments on it, so he took it down. This lead to the idea that 43 minutes was the requisite time frame in which one must respond to anything. I'd been kind of abusing this particular banter, but it was funny, and there was something kind of daring about bringing it up again, because this whole situation is what lead to me getting myself into the trouble that I was waiting to be caned for in the first place.

While talking to Rich, I casually said: "You know, we've been at this party for a lot longer than 43 minutes."

"Are you saying that you want a spanking?" he asked. I smiled a little bit shyly.

"Yes," I acknowledged. He then took me over to the couch and put me over his lap. He started spanking me first through my dress, which didn't have too strong of an affect on me, and then through my slip. I was really glad that he noticed that. I like to wear dresses with slips and most people kind of just shove them out of the way along with the dress, but I think that the lifting of the dress and then the slip and then the lowering of the panties can be a really lovely anticipation building mechanism besides giving a kind of nice, retro feeling to a scene. Anyway, the spanking wasn't too hard, but it was really perfect for what it was. He scolded me while spanking me about how much trouble I was going to be in later, and it made my stomach flutter even more. He also let me wear his hat while he spanked me:

Thank you, Richard!

Later that evening, I spent some time talking to both Heather (all references to Heather in this post refer to PTL, Heather Green is not involved in this story) and Mike (spank33) about a roleplaying scene that I was interested in doing. It was mostly between me and Mike, but because he and Heather have a complex and wonderful roleplaying situation already, we decided that ours would sort of set in the same universe as theirs. We talked about what I wanted from it, and what our characters would be. The whole thing was a little bit divergent from my usual spanking scenes in a way that was really refreshing to me. We decided that I would do something to act out and break one of our pre-established rules and that he would then catch me and correct me for it. I discussed with Heather, and she agreed to help me out a bit. I waited a while so it would catch Mike off guard and then I left and went down to the Casino. After a bit, Heather went up to Mike.

"I'm really worried about Alex!" she told him (obviously roleplaying). "She just took off and didn't say where she was going. She's not answering my texts. I think she's gambling!"

Mike and Heather then took off to look for me. I had texted Heather and told her where I was "hiding" so that they could easily find me. Once they had, Heather began to rant about how worried she had been and how irresponsible I was, with Mike directing me upstairs with some quiet but serious sounding scolding (the whole thing was done in a way that was not noticeable or disturbing to vanilla people). Once we got into the elevator, things got a bit more heated and I was basically petulant and entirely non-repentant. When we got back upstairs, he sent Heather to go back to the party but took me to his room for a "serious discussion." My heart was pounding a bit, but I kept trying to play my character as nonchalant and whining. I even did a little foot stomp when he told me to get over his lap, and I insisted that I hadn't done anything wrong and that the rules were unfair and stupid. It wasn't until about halfway through the spanking that I finally let that be broken down and I became repentant and contrite. The scene went really, really well, and we were both happy with it. After we finished, he walked me back to Joe and Ten's room and once we ended roleplay mode, I happily shared the story with Heather.

Although my usual preferences for spanking remain the same, I'm very glad to have added the ability to enjoy roleplaying to my repertoire of enjoyable spanking atmospheres. I like it because it allows for me to connect with someone on an intense level at that particular moment without having to have a deep relationship. It allows me to get things out of my system which wouldn't be appropriate in other scenarios (a great use for all those lines that pop into my head but which I swallow down because the situation is serious). It involves lots of creativity and humor, which are always great. And it's fun. I always enjoy fun.

The evening continued to move on, although at a pace which felt very slow to me due to my excitement. Finally, it was time for us to go pick up ellee and YS from the airport, where the story will continue in my next post. :)


  1. You are ridiculously cute in that hat.

    I agree about roleplay! It can be hard to get right, and some people make it easier than others, but when it works, it can be an amazing shortcut to emotional intensity, and a great outlet for the sides of ourselves we don't get to express very often through normal play. Roleplaying outside the context of a video shoot, without having to worry about cameras or how it looks, feels like a really self-indulgent treat.

    Well done for writing! I will gladly continue to top you into it if that would be helpful. Reward spankings could be available :)

    1. That's a really good point: because most of the roleplaying I had done up until the weekend in this post was either on film or during a session, there was always a concern about what other people would like to see, how I best portrayed the character instead of how I most wanted to, how things looked on camera instead of how things felt right to me. As much as I LOVE filming, it was very liberating to just do things the way we felt like it. :)

  2. I agree that roleplaying can be a lot of fun and let out a side of yourself that you may not otherwise bring out in that situation. I like being able to vent an extra bratty persona because I'm not really like that otherwise. I've read so many posts about this party already you are really falling behind! ;-)

    1. Having room for bratting is lots and lots of fun, especially when one doesn't do it most of the time!
      And yeah, I'm SO behind. It's been hard with the traveling and lots of shooting. Gosh, such a hard life I have. :P
      I hope people aren't tired of hearing about the same stuff over and over again from various sources. I've tried to focus on what was personal for me, instead of just "what happened." :)

  3. That's the point of YOUR blog... I have been catching up on what you have been doing and I love reading your stories. You ARE a busy girl, aren't you? Just tell it from your perspective... however, you don't need that advice from me, the owner of the trashiest spanking blog out there, lol!

    Hope you are enjoying our varied weather here in the UK.
    Oh, I'm gonna mail you, I have a question for you that hopefully you can answer privately. (sounds intriguing? it isn't... just wanted to ask if you are checking mails etc!)

    carry on now... & get writing! :)

    1. Thanks for the support, Chief. I sometimes worry about being too self-indulgent and not writing about what other people are interested in hearing about, but you're right: this is my space.
      I've mailed you back! Hope you're doing well!

  4. Getting you marched out of that casino - and getting to watch it - was one of the real highlights of my trip :P. You missed how in the elevator Mike actually embarrassed me to pieces talking about you and what was going to happen when we found you. There was one woman in the elevator and she SMIRKED. I almost combusted.


    Xoxo more later am near death - see you so soon!

    1. Oh yeah, that detail really makes me blush to this day, even though I wasn't there! Eeek!
      I can't wait to see you and hug you lots and lots!
