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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Derbyshire: Part 2

Before I go on to my next post, I want to address a few things. First of all, I have been pretty busy and frequently out of town, so apologize for the lapses in posting. I've been toying with the idea of putting my UK stories on hold and just writing about BBW, but I've decided to work harder at getting thru each bit the way that it happened. Also, I wrote this entire post while on the plane to New York, but I was unable to save it (since the plane was without Wifi) and ended up losing all my work, so I've been kind of pissed about that and avoiding rewriting. Still, time to move forward!

When I left off, we'd completed our first three videos of the day, and after lunch, we moved on to film a pair of short, straight-forward films on the infinity curve. In case you don't know what an infinity curve is, it's a big, white space with walls that curve in such a way that it looks like you're sort of floating in space and that it goes on forever. I'd actually never worked on a real one before (only a seamless backdrop) so that was kind of neat. The scenes that we shot were both school scenes, and they're very austere, so the background works wonderfully for them. The first scene was a school gym class style scene, which I loved the hell out of. Added to the list of things I didn't know before this trip: you're supposed to wear regular underwear beneath the navy blue gym knickers. This was not what I would have expected, but it was cool with me. Anything that involves more underwear works for me! The panties that I wore underneath were vintage and very delicate. I'd never seen anything like them before, but I liked them right away.

It's hard to see the pattern, but it's pretty :P

Like I said, the scene was very straight-forward. There wasn't really much of any story: just me getting strapped in a very austere setting. This is something that I don't do a lot of in the films that I tend to do in the US: things that are very to-the-point, and that point is me getting whacked. This stripped down nature, plus the fact that the scenes were shot in a dreamy, blank background made it feel like we'd simply stepped into one of my fantasies and I hadn't bothered to make up the rest of the details, so they were left out.
It was awesome.

The next scene that we did was very similar: it was the same setting and same sort of situation, but this time, it was a school scene. While all the school girl stuff is a big fantasy for me, the English version of things has always held a very strong appeal. I got to wear a tie (which I've never gotten to do in an American school film) and I liked that quite a bit:

This is a photo of me being pleased about my tie. 

The scene itself included me being bent over one of the desks from the school set and getting caned and precious little else, and it felt so potent because of that. One of the resulting images from it has become one of my favorite "Alex getting spanked" photos of all time:

It's very much a photographic representation of that part of my kink. This was also the first time I had ever been caned in England: the first time I visited I was spanked plenty of times and hit with various objects, but I never got the cane. This event pleased me quite a bit: it just seems like something "right" to go to England and get beaten with a cane, like that's something that every spanko bottom should get to do at least once in their lives. I'm also pleased that Paul was the person who gave me my first caning in England, as he's gone on to become someone very special to me. Fortuitous how that worked out. :)

Once we finished that video, we then went on to shoot photosets, which is one of my favorite things to do. When I was just a consumer of spanking pornography, still photographs were the main thing that I was interested in. They feel artistic and creative, as well as open-ended in a way that lets the mind wander in delightful directions. Because I started out my modeling career simply being photographed, it's also something that I feel more confident doing. We shot several sets, all on the infinity curve, because it was just that cool.

In one set, I got to wear an actual English nurse uniform (although I'm not sure if it's modern or not? I'm somewhat confused on that). It's super different from anything that I've ever seen in the U.S. Usually nurses just wear scrubs around here, and there's nothing attractive about scrubs, at least to me. This involved leggings, though, and they were tight enough that you could see my underwear through them, which makes for a win in my book.

Thank you for spanking me, Mr. Osborne!

In another set, there was more caning, of course, because one can never have enough of that! Zoe had to help me with the "suspender belt" (garter belt) since I'd never really worn one before, but I discovered that I'm actually quite fond of them. Less pulling up stockings, more having something to frame my ass and make it look even rounder!

The next photo comes from a set which was cute and sweet, and which I like a ton. Pink bow + snuggly spankings = happy, contended Alex. Here is a photo to prove it:

Whenever I see any one of these photos, I think "Oh! That one is my favorite!" until I get to the next one, which also becomes my favorite. 

The final set that we did at the end of the first day of filming involves me looking very young and sweet and Paul coming in to be all scary and terrifying. I kept insisting that he was a very bad man for beating such an innocent looking girl as myself. :P

Yeah, having the same problem, because this one is also my favorite.

Once we finished shooting and we got everything cleaned up and packed away for the day, we drove to a small grocery store to get some supplies (read: alcohol) for the evening. Zoe once again demonstrated her very impressive patience when I wanted to get some chocolate but didn't know what any of it was. She walked thru the entire candy aisle explaining things to me and helping me figure out what stuff I would like. She then bought me my first ever Easter Egg. Now, we obviously have Easter chocolate in the US, and we have a lot of candy that is shaped like eggs, but we don't have the exact same thing as they do in England. In England, Easter Eggs are big, foil wrapped chocolate eggs with something interesting inside them, and I guess they're sort of a tradition. Zoe and I got two, and some pink fizz (I think that the name of that is pretty self explanatory, right? Pink sparkling wine) and planned to have a picnic with them in our room later that night.

We then went to a restaurant near our hotel, where I had to take a very long time deliberating over what I wanted to eat again. I'd like to say that I got better at this as my time in England wore on, but I really didn't. Even once I knew what I liked to eat, I still had to think about it for far longer than I should have. Dinner was very enjoyable, though. It mostly involved Paul, John, Zoe, the cameraman and I chatting about all sorts of industry related topics, including a lot of the history of the various sites that film in England. We stayed there for a long time, and I felt relaxed and happy. At one point, Zoe and I went to the restroom (in a pair, as girls do) and when she turned on the sink to wash her hands, she sprayed water all over herself. She then attempted to dry the front of her jeans using a hand dryer. I took a photo of this, because this is the kind of stuff that I absolutely dig about Zoe. She's goofy and ridiculous and I simply cannot get enough of her.

After we finished at the restaurant, we walked over to a pub and had a few drinks. I will not say anything about anyone else (although John was pretty open on his blog about the fact that he his fair share to drink) but I was very responsible. It was also just a very nice time. I find going out for drinks in England to be more fun than it is in the US, but that may be because I live in South Dakota, where nothing is particularly exciting.

Once last call had been completed, we all wandered back to the hotel, where Zoe and I went on to eat chocolate and drink wine the pink fizz before falling asleep.

Morning came, of course, far earlier than I would have liked it to. Mornings are a real problem for me. I'm just not cut out for them. Sleeping until 1:00 makes me happiest. This is obviously by no means practical in any part of adult society, so I adapt and deal with it. But when Zoe's alarm went off to summon us to breakfast, we unanimously decided to text the guys and let them know that we were going to sleep in. Besides, I didn't want to see Breakfast Lady again, anyway.

Sleep vs. Getting Scolded. I wonder what wins?!

Eventually, we did get up and get ourselves put together, then we packed up the rest of our things. I had literally all of my luggage with me, so I had quite a few things to pack, since I have this tendency to kind of dig through my suitcase in search of something and end up throwing things everywhere (see also: my hotel room at every spanking party I've ever attended). When we did come downstairs, though, Breakfast Lady managed to give me a disapproving look. Apparently she had made some comments about my lack of breakfast consumption to John and Paul earlier. Her life must not be very exciting.

We then returned to the cold... I mean, to the studio, where we began my fourth consecutive day of shooting, this time for Triple A. The day began on the infinity curve again, with a sort of straight forward, introductory spanking.

Fun fact: that t-shirt is the one that I was wearing the very first time I got spanked, when I was eighteen. Nostalgia central!
It was a pretty nice spanking, and a good way to warm up for the day, so I was pretty pleased with it. When that was filmed, we moved on to start shooting some POV scenes for John's new site: POV Spanking. This stuff was a little bit more challenging to shoot, as it felt very unnatural to me. The idea of POV (point-of-view) is that it appears like the person watching the film is seeing what he would actually be seeing where he the one giving the spanking. This makes for a lot of non-traditional filming. I had to talk directly to the camera without hearing any lines back, and that just felt very awkward and difficult for me to time. I've been told that I did a pretty good job, though, so I hope that's the case. We shot a number of these scenes, experimenting with different positions and implements, as well as filming styles. I urge you all to go check out the clips if that's something that you're interested in. :)

It's getting late, so I'll continue this story in the next post.
I've covered an entire day! Winner! :P


  1. i heard miss zoe page is very hard strict no nonsense spanker would you agree after being spanked by her she another strict female who lap i love go over for hard spanking i would accept hard one too

    1. She's very strict when spanking, and give a very good one! A+, would be spanked by again!

  2. The pink photo is my favorite too, if that helps at all! Great memories of a subsequently very important day.


    1. I know I can't pick an all-time favorite, since I like too many of them. The pink one is full of affection, though, and that's wonderful. The one with my green dress (from the "Thomas" set) has, as you said before "something about it." It feels intense. It's also the background on my phone.
      All of them make me miss you. <3

  3. Great memories... looking frwd to part 3 :)

    1. ^_^ It was such a great shoot! Part 3 is up, hope you enjoy.

  4. Great pics! I've never heard of the infinity curve thing before. Interesting.

    1. Thanks! It was certainly interesting, and made for very neat pictures. :D
