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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

BBW, continued

I find it tremendously difficult to write about spanking parties after the fact. 
So. Much. Happens. It's hard for me to tell what things are interesting and worth writing about and what things are needless details. It's also unfortunate that I never really get around to writing about them as soon as they happen, as I tend to have quite the backlog. So, I'll do the best that I can. If I don't mention a fond memory that I shared with you there, please don't be hurt. It probably means a lot to me, too. 

The first thing that I clearly remember about Thursday of BBW was Richard Windsor's pool party. I was full of bounce and excitement that afternoon, and I spent lots of time with Pandora again, making up for all the time that we had been apart. We splashed around in the pool a bunch, and later moved into the world's biggest hot tub*. Here, I ran into my friends Korey and James Johnson (of Stormy Night Publications) and we got to catch up. I hadn't seen them since July, and we had lots to talk about, including reminiscing about a most ridiculous night at CCM and, once again, discussing How To Have Two Concubines For Five Dollars A Day®. Korey and I engaged in lots of girl talk, which continued out of the pool and into the changing room. Eventually, Pandora had someplace to be so she took off, and I got dressed and headed out of the pool.

I actually wore jeans at a spanking party. No one died. Amazing!
I wandered off somewhere and ran into my friend BradD. Brad and I had known each other for a long time over the internet, and he's always been really kind and supportive towards me. We'd hung out briefly at other parties, and he was meant to go to my cabin party but unfortunately fell ill and couldn't make it. As things went, we had never played together. Now seemed like as good a time as ever, so we headed up to his room. We chatted a bit more before things moved rather seamlessly to me being over his lap. I hadn't played yet at this party, and Brad was very kind about warming me up gently, first spanking me over my jeans. I don't get spanked over jeans often, since I much prefer to run around in skirts at parties, but I do very much like the feeling of it. There's basically no stinginess and just the feeling of impact, which is very similar to the way that my mind interprets spankings once I've falled into a subspace type mental state. Because of this association, the "over the jeans" spanking made me very passive. Soon, though, Brad had me get up and he took my jeans down before returning me to position, where he commented that he liked my underwear. That's always points in my book right there. He then spanked me over it, and I was quite surprised by the difference. His hands are big and firm, and he was very effective at spanking with them. I squirmed a bit, but my attitude was mostly giggly, as we were both in very high spirits and he was simply spanking me because we both enjoyed it, and we both enjoyed each other. I love a huge variety of types of spankings, but there's something very pure about that type. We do the thing because we love the thing. 

When the spanking was completed, I felt simultaneously properly warmed up to play for the rest of the party and delightfully close to Brad. It really was ideal. Unfortunately  I didn't get to see much more of him for the rest of the party, so I was glad that we got that time, and it started things on the right foot for me.

Shortly after I left Brad's room, I got a text from Lucy letting me know that she and Stephen had arrived and were in their room. Lucy and I had been texting while we were both in New York, but our schedules hadn't lined up (largely because of my running around) so I hadn't seen her since I left her and Paul's house in England nearly a month ago. I headed up to their room and had hugs, plus the showing off of fancy fabric that Lucy had purchased in the garment district and the return of all the stuff I had left in England because it didn't fit in my suitcase, despite Lucy's nigh godlike packing ability. It was very nice to catch up with her and Stephen, as I'd missed being around them since I left England. From there, I think I went to see The Bad Alex, Latte and Josh, but I'm not clear on this order of events in the least anymore. I know that I did get to see them, and that I told Latte that I was pleased to meet her, as I do every time I see her, since the second time that we hung out I was half drunk and another half asleep and temporarily had no memory of our first meeting. It was good to see her and Alex again, though, and immediately I got up to mischief with them. It was also lovely to meet Josh, as we'd corresponded online for quite some time, and he was really, truly nice in person. I also got to meet a girl named Feisty, who clearly lived up to her name. :)

I'm usually really quite good. Really, I am. At one point, though, when Josh started spanking someone, I decided that some of the implements in the room were just to mean for the public eye, so I hid a couple of them.

No one noticed that I did it. That's the benefit of usually being so good: people don't watch you as closely.

I then texted Alex from across the room to let her know that I'd been up to something already, and she swore up, down and backwards not to tell if I told her what I'd done. Because I trusted her, I did. Instantly, she threw me under the bus. INSTANTLY. She didn't even give me time to get my fingers off my phone's keyboard. What a "great friend."

"Hey Josh! Alex hid your cane." Alex said. I was shocked and appalled, and sheepishly returned it. Of course, I got whacked with it. That's how this works. That doesn't mean I didn't protest, and most of my angst was about what a horrible, lying tattletale Alex is (like a lot of my friends, it seems).
[Dear Bad Alex: fuck you. Love, Good Alex.][There is a message to Bad Alex in invisible ink there. Don't read it if you think that I should be nice to my friends on the internet.]

I think it was after this that we went down to the Burger Bar area for registration and hanging out, where I got to see a bunch more people that I was quite excited about. I spent that entire portion of the evening flittering around from group to group, trying to see everyone and catch up. Finally, YS texted me that he and ellee had arrived, and I literally ran to the room number he had sent. There were hugs and very quick cuddles, as it was approaching an event that they needed to be at. It was lovely to see them. They're some of my favorite people.

The rest of the night was kind of a blur. There was a mass spanking of several of my friends for some sort of prank that I wasn't entirely aware of, but which was very entertaining to watch. It was especially visually appealing to watch the portion that involved YS spanking Beth, as YS is a joy to watch while he's hitting woman. He moves his body in a way that looks strong and powerful, and he has a smug look of satisfaction on the entire time. After the event was over, the group dispersed and I don't really remember what I did, but I'm sure it involved running around and probably getting spanked. As the evening drew on, Pandora mentioned that she wanted to spank me before she went to bed so I climbed over her lap. She was wearing the most ridiculously wonderful dress ever, which she had purchased while we were on the boardwalk earlier in the day (I just don't remember when that was). It was low cut and tight to her body and made her ass look perfect. I hadn't been able to keep my hands off her all night. It was very nice to lie over her lap while she was dressed this way. And by "very nice" I mean "it was hot." Pandora spanked me with her hand while I giggled and moaned over he lap, and I felt very nicely connected to her. As Pandora noted in her post, it was only made less than perfect by a bystander commenting about how cute it was that there were two little girls spanking each other. Shut up. This is serious business. Well, maybe not, but it's still no less serious than any one else's play, and certainly not something to patronize us over.

As the night wore on and I was getting tired for bed, YS decided that it was time for him to "get me," much to my delight. Not so much to my delight, he had found a cracker barrel type paddle (I think) that was one of the most evil things I've ever met in that manner. He bent me over a spanking bench and began to spank me with his hand first, and then with this horrible thing. As usual, he spanked me hard. As usual, I wailed and cried. I felt a bit odd about doing this with people around, especially since PTL had previously been asleep on the sofa pretty close to where my face ended up being, but eventually I lost myself in it. At times, I felt myself panic, tighten, feeling unable to take it but YS reassured me in his usual way: "You're okay. You're a sweet girl" and this softened me up to take more. When he finally stopped, I felt swollen and bruised (although I didn't really look too much worse for the wear, due to my body's natural magic these days) and we shared a cuddle. I also felt sleepy. Tremendously sleepy. It was late. So I headed off to bed, looking forward to another day of adventures.



  1. I actually laughed out loud at the invisible ink part. Your blog is truly a gem. :)

  2. What a great start to the weekend! I must say that one of several reasons I hate playing in front of people is bystander commentary. Shut up and go away. Grr.

    1. Seriously! It makes everything very awkward and uncomfortable. Ugg.
