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Monday, October 14, 2013

Missing Persons

On a daily basis, I happily answer questions about lots of different things in my comments, ask box on tumblr and email. Usually, these questions are related to logistical things (where can I find a particular video, when will you next be visiting my area et cetera) or questions about my life, history and interests (which implements I prefer to be spanked with, whether I was spanked as a child or not, how I got into the scene et cetera). I do my best to answer everything that I get, although questions that are too personal or that request information which isn't mine to give out get skipped over. There is a pair of similar questions that I consistently get, and I'm going to answer them on the public forum so that the information gets out there.  That said, because I'm discussing people other than myself, these answers are intentionally vague.

The first question is "What happened to Heather Green/Michaels? Is she ever going to make more videos?"

Usually people sound a bit worried about Heather's video making cessation, and ask if she's alright.
Heather is doing quite well, but has retired from modeling. She's happily living out some of her life's greatest dreams at the moment, and has chosen to stop doing films in order to focus on her vanilla pursuits. Heather still has one unreleased video that I know of: a scene that I'm also in which will be coming out on Northern Spanking at some point in the fairly near future. That said, she won't be making any new films, so that will likely be the last "new" Heather Green release. We'll all miss seeing videos from her, but I'm very glad that she's happy and well. ^_^

The second question, similar in nature is "What happened to Spanking Debs and Firm Discipline? Where can I purchase those videos?"

Firm Discipline is currently off-line and the content that was held therein is not available for purchase anywhere at the moment. Debs has taken a break and stepped back from video production. I don't know if this is permanent or if she'll be back. I also don't know when or where the existing content will be available again. I'm under the impression that it will be for sale again at some point, although I don't know the specifics. I'll post more information when I have it. In the meantime, you'll just have to wait and see what happens. I'm sorry I can't tell you more, I honestly don't know the answers to this. Several people have asked me if I can distribute the Firm Discipline scenes that include me. The answers is that I am not able to do that. Sorry!

I know that this is a far less interesting post than that which I usually have! I just wanted to share this information and let you all know the answers to these questions. If you have any other questions (about anything, really) feel free to leave them in the comments or email me at alexinspankingland@gmail.com


  1. The film referred to, featuring Heather and Alex as hotel maids, should be released around mid-November. Check back here for details.

    1. Thanks, I wasn't sure when you were planning to put that one up. Now we know! :D

  2. I always check the box to be notified of comments on posts I read so I can read any reply to my comment. I saw recently that you were asked these questions SEVERAL times. Now they have their answer!

    1. Yeah, it was getting rather annoying. Unfortunately the post hasn't helped some people 0_0.
