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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Outdoor Adventures

I just finished a busy week. I shall now tell you about it, bit by bit.

On Monday, Paul and I drove out to Topenga (a more "rural" area on the edge of Los Angeles where one can experience some much needed fresh air!) in the early afternoon. I was meeting up with Pandora Jones, Samantha Grace and Odette Delacroix later that day in order to shoot a custom video, but Paul and I had wanted to try and find some places to shoot outdoor spanking content for Kitchen Sink Spanking, so we decided to do that first while we were already out of the city. It may have been the end of April, but the weather in Los Angeles was already feeling more like summer time: it was warm, sunny and bright out. We found a little park and took a walk until we were under a big oak tree. I was pretty obscured from the street, but it was still close by: if I turned my back, I could see the cars rushing by. I didn't feel comfortable getting spanked so close to the road, but we did film a panty fetish video there, since it's a lot harder to notice that someone is flashing her panties than it is to miss the very distinctive sound of a spanking. As it was, that level of exhibitionism was fun and exciting without making me too nervous, but I did run into one small "filming in the countryside" snafu. While Paul had been setting up the camera, I had leisurely leaned my back against the tree. After a few minutes, I felt something tickling my arms and looked down to see red ants crawling all over me! I'm sure it was comical to watch me flailing around and trying to shake the ants off. It's a pity we weren't already filming :P. For a while after this, I kept noticing one or two ants crawling on my body, and had to pick them off. Paul seemed to think that this was a bit prissy of me, but these were red ants, and I was convinced that they were going to bite me. Red ants are not common in the area where I grew up, and they're the enemy in Sim Ant, so I tend to be distrustful of them.

GET OFF OF ME! I do realize that the placement of this image means that when this post is previewed on people's blogrolls, it will look like it's entirely about ants. Meh. 

After abandoning antville, we planned to walk back to the car by way of a path which looped around and drive on to find another park. Instead, I found a path that lead off in another direction which I wanted to explore. This was a good call: it lead down into a little gulch which held a much bigger, older tree. The branches formed a canopy around it, and we had to push them aside to go into the little "room" formed there. Inside, we found a rope and board swing hanging from one of the branches. This is exactly the kind of secret hideaway that I love. It was a private little space away from the rest of the world, and I happily climbed onto the swing (after testing it for safety, of course). Paul filmed me swinging while giving peeks at my panties for a bit, but then announced that it was time for me stop playing, as I was in need of a spanking. Why? Because the space was perfect for one. It was definitely true. No one could see us and the branches made me feel cut off from the rest of the world. It felt like we were in a private universe there.

Setting the camera up on some rocks or something, Paul directed me to bend over the swing. I did this by laying over it like it was a lap, so that my stomach was against the wood and all my limbs were sort of hanging. Paul explained that this wasn't actually a very effective way to spank me, and suggested that I stand up, bend over and grab the seat of the swing. This *did* make more sense. The other pose probably looked a bit silly. It was one I had done many times before, though: when I was younger and first fantasizing about spanking I liked to drape myself across things to imagine that I was in the OTK position, and I used the swings on the playground to do this pretty regularly. Fortunately, no one had ever asked me what I was doing.

Under the tree, Paul lifted my skirt and began to spank me. Even though it wasn't cold out at all, the fresh air made the smacks seem to sting more. Maybe it was psychosomatic, but I yelped pitifully from a simple hand spanking.

When he pulled my panties down, I felt particularly exposed. I protested that a squirrel might see me, since that was pretty much the only way that I would be observed. I knew it was silly, especially since I do plenty of fully nude tromping around outdoors when modeling, but I felt tremendously vulnerable. "Squirrels have seen everything," Paul responded, which is a strangely sage sentence, when you think about it. I wiggled and whined throughout the rest of the spanking. Once he had finished reddening my bottom, Paul asked me how I was enjoying my day out and all I could do was scrunch my face. I was enjoying it very much, but I felt strangely camera shy when asked to comment directly, especially since I've put a lot of effort into training myself not to look at the camera during spanking videos (a concept I had difficulty grasping until more recently than I'd like to admit). I think I ended up blushing and bashfully looking at the ground and saying "I guess." That's me. The queen of articulation right there! You can watch this spanking sometime soon on Kitchen Sink Spanking. It's not available yet, but will be before too long.)

A squirrel *might* see me. It's possible!

I spent a while working on another project under the tree, and then spent a little bit more time swinging just for fun before we climbed out of the branches and back into the real world. We got back into the car and drove to a piece of civilization where we found a cafe to eat a late lunch, which was extremely delicious. Soon, it was time for me to go shoot my custom video, so Paul stayed in the town to hang out while I drove off up a big hill. The place which Pandora (Jones, not Blake) had found for us to shoot was a strange but magical little hippy commune nestled in the hills. She'd rented two little houses there. Odette and I arrived around the same time and went off to find Pandora and Samantha, but we got distracted by a treehouse on the way. Odette climbed up and I snapped a picture:

I like being around Odette because she's one of the only people I know who is more eager to do fun (ridiculous) things than I am, even if hanging out with her does make me feel like a giant.

We met up with the other two girls, and I gave Pandora such a giant hug. She's the lady who helped me do my first ever kinky shoot, the first person who ever tied me up and has been a beloved friend for years, but I haven't seen her since before I left for South Dakota. She's living on the East Coast now, but was visiting LA for a little bit. It was so good to be back around her, even if we only got to see each other for a couple of hours. It was awesome to meet Samantha. I'd seen her work for a long time, and was glad to get to work alongside her! She's even prettier in person and relaxed, friendly and down-to-earth.

Before we filmed, Odette showed us her Google Glass, which she's using to make the ultimate POV experience these days. I knew very little about them, so she explained a lot of what they can do and I was very impressed. We then filmed the custom pretty directly, then spent a little while hanging out. I couldn't stay and talk for as long as I would have liked to, but it was great to have the time that we did.

I had parked on a dirt road which was also a hill, which made getting out of the commune tricky. My car slid down the hill and ended up in a pile of leaves and debris off the edge of the road. Somehow, I didn't panic, and instead put the car in neutral, got out, cleared the brush away from the back wheels and then pushed the car back onto solid terrain. Ha! Such a grown up!

I then went and picked Paul up and we headed home, where I made us a pot roast with roasted carrots and potatoes for dinner and we spent the rest of the night catching up on work before it was time for snuggles and bed.

PS- Yes! I'm back! Except more posts soon!


  1. I like the idea of you being spanked bent over a swing!

    PS I would find it weirdly hot to be referred to from now on as "Blake", boarding-school style.

    Miss you!

    1. I'm quite hot for the use of last names, too. I kind of tittered to myself when I wrote that!
      I miss you lots and lots. Whenever I have adventures now, I think about how fun it would be if you where there, too. :(

  2. I saw your panties! Made me drop my nuts :(

  3. Alex is that Samantha from Firm Hand Spanking you were with?,best spanks,Tim.

  4. No answer I take it it isn't Sam from F.H.SP.best spanks,Tim.

    1. Hi Tim, I didn't see your previous comment for some reason! Usually I get notified of them, but for some reason did not on that one. I think you're thinking of Samantha Woodley, but Samantha Grace has shot for a number of spanking sites, too: mostly the Clare Fonda Network and Punished Brats, I think. Hope that helps!
