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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Love our Lurkers Day 9!

Hi guys!
This post comes late in the day as I haven't been feeling well today. I had horrible insomnia last night, then did too much day sleeping today, then woke up with a migraine. Definitely not the best. This post may be less coherent than my usual stuff because of this. Be warned.

But, I wanted to make sure I got to participate in Love Our Lurker's Day! I have only done this once, since remembering a date and making a deadline aren't entirely my blogging strong suits. >_<

But, I wanted to remember to do it this year. I wanted to thank all of you who read my blog, since I see how many of you there are. I want to thank you guys for sticking with me as my posting has become more sporadic, even though I regularly promise that it's going to become regular again. I want to thank those of you who comment for making me smile, and encourage everyone else to consider doing so. I know that it's hard: I have to tell myself to comment on the blogs that I read, since I don't instinctively do it. I think that there isn't a reason to comment unless I have something enlightening to say. But when I think with my writer side of my brain instead of my reader side, I remember that a comment that just says "I read this and enjoyed it!" makes me happy. So, when you're reading, please keep that in mind!

From time to time, I get emails from people who are de-lurking for the very first time: it's their first direct contact with a spanko ever. I can't tell you how incredibly precious these are to me. It usually moves me to tears, because I remember feeling ashamed, afraid and alone because of my lifelong interest in spanking. It makes me feel so wonderful when people feel comfortable opening up about this side of themselves to me, and I'm always so excited to help introduce them to the wonderful world that is Spankingland.

I also want to thank the people who helped inspire me to start blogging: Erica Scott, Sophie (who is now retired from blogging but still a wonderful and cherished friend) and Pandora Blake. Their wonderful writing, openness to share and delightful insights into the world of spanking helped me greatly in my quest for self understanding and made me feel alright about opening myself up to the world in a similar way.

Anyway, if you're feeling up to it, please leave a comment here! If you've never commented, introduce yourself and let's start a conversation! I love talking to people, sharing ideas and getting to know them. Even if you have commented before, reminding me that you're still here will bring a huge smile to my face.


  1. Happy LOL9, sweetie! I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I love you to bits and am so glad we are friends; you bring a lot of joy to my life, truly. ♥ Take good care of yourself and get rid of that nasty migraine.

    1. Thank you, Erica! I'm feeling much better now. <3

  2. Love your updates! Happy Lurker's Day


  3. Hello Alex
    Long time lurker-first time poster. :-)
    As a lifelong semi closeted spanko (and fellow migraine sufferer) I thought that I'd take this lol day as the prompt to drop the cloaking device and say hello and tell you how much I enjoy your work- you always bring such great energy to a scene! You never fail to bring on a smile :-)
    Hope you're feeling better soon-{hugs}
    Monty C.
    (now how do I get this @#$& cloaking device to re-activate? :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Monty! You brought a smile to ME with this comment. :D

  4. I loved your blog, admit that I haven't read it as much as I used to (haven't kept up with all the blogs like I used to), but share your thoughts in cherishing an email from a spanko reaching out perhaps for the 1st time. You said it better than I could have. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hey Secret Spanko: a lot of us have a hard time keeping up with the blogs that we used to. I'm in the same boat. LOL day is reminding me of all the people who have great stuff that I want to be reading, though, so I'm going to try to get back to doing that more regularly, like your blog! :D

  5. Hi Alex,
    I have lurked around your blog and tumbler having been introduced by Erika Scott. I love the blog the best with your quirky stories but also many heart felt observations.
    Happy LOL day

    1. Thank you very much, Don! I appreciate your note and I'm so glad you enjoy the blog.

  6. Dear Alex

    You and the friends whom you list provide an invaluable point of contact with this captivating scene and for that I, amongst others, will be eternally grateful.

    You do this with humour, warmth, sincerity and generosity, so you deserve to be appreciated as you are by your fans.

    I do hope that you have made a full recovery from the migraine episode.

    Very best wishes to you (and to your friends)


    ...who has often been inspired by your imagery to take up the electronic pen and scribble,,, ;-)

    1. Hi Nick,
      Thanks so much for your nice note. You made me grin! I'm feeling totally better today, although it's hard to tell if the migraine is all the way out of my system or not until a couple of days have passed. Fingers crossed!

  7. Well I do enjoy putting a smile on you :) It's why I keep loving all your pics and commenting where applicable with respect and courtesy :) Keep up the good writings.

  8. Happy LOL day, Alex! I always enjoy your blog, your posts, and your wonderful pictures. It's also nice to see you at Crimson Moon. Glad you're feeling better, and I hope you get a lot of encouraging comments!

    Dr. Ken,

    1. Next time I see you at a CM party, can you please mention to me that you write Spanking Minnesota? I'm very bad at connecting real life faces with internet identities, and I always end up terribly confused. Thanks so much for your comment, Dr. Ken! :D

  9. Hi Alex,

    Thanks for joining us for LoL 9.


  10. Yay so happy to see an lol day post from you! I love your blog and how real it is. So nice to read. :) hope youre feeling better!

    1. Thanks, Kenzie. I appreciate the comments that you leave for me throughout the year. You're a truly sweet person!

  11. Hi Alex, I hope you are feeling better, you know I think the world of you,love your blog and hope to see you in Texas if not before.

    1. Thanks, Puggybear! I hope to see you soon: certainly in Texas! Big hugs to you! :D :D :D

  12. First visit here, going to add you to blog roll so I can stop by again.

  13. I lurk but always enjoy visiting.


  14. Hello Alex a nice blog you do and I comment when I can ,hopeyou feel better ,best spanks,Tim.

    1. Thanks for your continued commenting, Tim! Very appreciated!

  15. Happy LOL Day, Alex! I don't manage to comment a lot these days, but I still come over regularly to read and enjoy your blog.

    1. Thank you! I still love to visit yours as well! :D

  16. Hey Alex...new to your blog...found you through Hermione's LOL participant list. Will definitely come back and browse when I have more time. Sending prayers and healing energy that you get to feeling better soon.


    1. Thank you very much, Cat! I hope you enjoy and always feel free to comment in future!

    2. Hi Alex - and Happy LoL Day!

      Been here before, of course, but I´m not a very frequent commenter I fear!

      Good night!


    3. Chross! Thank you for stopping by: what a treat! I hope you continue to enjoy my blog in the year to come. :D
