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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Adventures Part 2!

Well, after my rather somber post the other day, it's time to return to my adventures and stories. I hope everyone missed me :P.

Anyway, on to the rest of my trip!

We left Los Angeles directly from Threshold and drove to Las Vegas. It was a sad departure, but I was excited to be on the road to new places, to meet new people and to start my new life.

We arrived in Vegas fairly late and ended up going to bed fairly early. I still find staying in hotels exciting, and this was by far the nicest one I'd ever been in.

Don't I look cozy?

We spent the next day on the strip, which was full of win. We walked around trying to see everything we possibly could from what seems like dawn to dusk. When we were finished, the bottoms of my feet were bruised.

Aren't we the best ever? 

There wasn't a ton of spanking during the Vegas portion of the trip: we were busy, I was still extremely emotional from moving and a few other things made it not ideal. However, when HeatherFeather and I were waiting around for Malignus in front of one of those places where they fill your face in a photo, we came across this:

We both turned neon red, but for the first time ever, I was able to keep looking at something spanking related in a public, vanilla setting. I guess the reaction has gone from wanting to throw up to having fits of giggles, which is what HeatherFeather and I end up doing every time we look at kitchen stores. :P

From Vegas, we drove to Salt Lake to visit a good friend and her family there. We were in a vanilla, family setting, so there was extremely little spanking conversation going on, but when we did steal away for a moment as "just grown ups" we giggled even more than usual. Salt Lake City was incredibly beautiful and very, very dry. The three of us weren't used to the elevation, and I kept getting nose bleeds >_<. Also, my friend there has pretty much the greatest children I've ever, ever met. Just saying.

Utah is pretty!
I was sad that I didn't realize that lea lives in SLC until after I was about to head out, because it would have been awesome to meet up with her.

From Utah, we drove to Colorado Springs, where I visited with Naomi. I absolutely adore Naomi. She's one of the best people ever. We had a bunch of fun, and she took really beautiful photos of the three of us at Garden of the Gods.

I <3 HeatherFeather! Photo by Naomi.
Because we were at a spanko house, I got a couple of good, hard spankings, which did wonders for my mood. Additionally, Malignus proved the point that he can make ANYTHING hurt by spanking us with my feather duster and making it actually painful. That's ridiculous! It's covered in FEATHERS. >_<

One night, while we were driving back to Naomi's place from having visited someone in Bolder, Malignus fell asleep in the car and HeatherFeather, Naomi and I started sharing Spanko Stories. We talked about how we first discovered our desires, the way that they haunted us as children, times when we got "caught" and how people reacted, the embarrassing things that we did to try to act out or cope with the things we wanted and the deep, dark feeling that there was something horribly wrong with us for the things that we wanted. I know that all spankos go through the same thing, but there was something amazing about being in the flesh with two other girls who lived through the same sort of thing as I did when I was young and knowing that now, the three of us have a happy life where we are able to enjoy getting our bottoms bared and thoroughly spanked by men that we care for and respect. Being in the company of hard-wired spankos is truly magical for me. I really do equate it to going to Hogwarts or Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters or something like that. There's a whole secret world out there, where we are normal and get to celebrate the things that were previously a source of shame. Driving in that car with the man I love asleep next to me and two girls who I truly love like sisters, I felt a sense of comfort and love that I've rarely come to allow myself to feel. It was an amazing moment.

Adventures will continue tomorrow (for real!)


  1. Utah is pretty. And dry. I wish I could've met you too! Hope you come visit again sometime. Looking forward to reading more about your trip.

  2. I really enjoyed the conversation we had in the car, too! That was the first time I've ever really been around other spanko bottoms in the flesh like that! It was amazing :)

    I hope you guys come visit again! <33333
