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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Adventures Part 3! (Final Segment)

When we left Colorado Springs, we were done with the most exciting segment of our adventures. There were no more friends to visit between there and my new home in South Dakota, and we had to cross the worst state ever: Wyoming.

If I have any readers who live in Wyoming, I apologize for hating your state, but I really, really do. And I understand how you feel getting your state hated on, because I am originally from New Jersey and pretty much no one likes New Jersey. But I have to say, Jersey is eighty five million times better than Wyoming. You know why? Because there are things in New Jersey.

There is NOTHING in Wyoming. We couldn't play the Alphabet Game, because there weren't even signs to get letters off of. I decided that it was the capsaicin of states: horrible agony, and you have no idea when it's going to end.

Like all things awful, though, our trip through Wyoming did eventually end. We spent a night in Nebraska at a hotel, and then finished up the our driving the next day. From there, I got to work settling into my new life. It hasn't been entirely easy, although it is quite simple, but it *has* been entirely rewarding.

I know this is incredibly late, but Malignus, HeatherFeather and I had our first Thanksgiving together. I made a turkey that was full of epic win:

as well as additional stuffing, rolls, mashed potatoes (which HeatherFeather made), pan gravy, asparagus, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and peach pie. I made the pie crusts from scratch without a rolling pin, because I'm a total BAMF.

It was a delicious day, and I am truly thankful for my new life, for all the support my friends from coast to coast and beyond have given me, for the internet spanking community, for an amazing sister like HeatherFeather, and, of course, for Malignus. I have an amazing created family, a man I love and who loves me in return, a plethora of amazing friends all around the world, a home, safety, a job and food. I get to spend my free time with people I love doing things that I enjoy, learning, enriching others lives and getting my bottom thoroughly reddened. Basically, I have everything a spanko girl could want, and I really, really appreciate it. <3

Anyway, not to be upstaged by my culinary delights, Malignus made a turkey of his own (on my inner thigh):

The drawing was done by HeatherFeather, for Malignus does not draw cute animals, even when agony is involved :P.
I swear, when he hits me this way, I could probably go to a palm reader and have his fortune told by the marks on my thighs. It's kind of fascinating. And horrible. Horribly fascinating? Why not? :P

Now that I feel like I've finally gotten caught up on all the interesting or fun stuff which has happened recently AND been mushy, I can return to my regularly scheduled programing, so expect frequent updates with thought provoking insights and photos of my butt!

1 comment:

  1. Wyoming truly is awful and boring. When I see that fake buffalo atop the hill marking your exit from Utah and the start of Wyoming, I know it's time to take my nap in the car. When people make fun of Utah, I say "Hey, at least we're not Wyoming!" No offense to any blog readers, but I doubt there is anyone to offend because nobody lives there. Lol.

    Glad you had a happy and delicious sounding Thanksgiving and things are getting settled in your new home. :-)
