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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

First Party: Chapter 1

Extended Title: Chapter 1: In which I travel to my first spanking party, arrive, meet friends, settle in and get beaten with a sjambok.

Well, it's been a full week since I last posted. Due to the circumstances, I don't feel all that guilty about it.

On Thursday, I got sent home from work because I was coughing too much. This didn't exactly bode well for a girl who was supposed to be heading to a cabin in the woods the next day for a spanking party, so I spent the majority of the day and early evening resting. Eventually, Malignus woke me up because I had procrastinated doing anything involving packing for the trip and we were leaving in less than twelve hours (which I cannot say he was overjoyed about). I hustled through the stuff that needed doing, then we went back to sleep for a few hours before we left. Unfortunately, I was too excited to sleep. This came back to haunt me later.

Eventually, Malignus woke up, a few other things happened and we hit the road. The drive there was not a lot of fun. I was tired and nervous and a bit cranky, and when it was my turn to drive, I had difficulty with the fact that I was driving stick, which is something that I've never gotten particularly good at. We eventually arrived in the town where the cabin was located, but had trouble finding the cabin itself. We ended up in an old graveyard at one point, which didn't help to calm me down at all.

Finally, we arrived. I was incredibly, incredibly nervous. My hands were shaking. I walked in the doorway to see an extraordinary amount of alcohol on the kitchen counter, two scenes in progress and a lot of new faces standing around talking. In reality, none of that stuff is all that scary. At the moment, I was petrified. Pretty much all that I could get to come out of my mouth was "Yes, Sir" and "No, Sir" to Malignus and "Hi" to everyone else. I went into our bedroom to discover that MissbehavinMegan, who organized the party, had gotten me a present:

 Question: was the primary purpose of obtaining this gift for me to irritate Malignus? 
Answer: probably, yes. But I benefit from his unhappiness! 

When I first got to the cabin, Megan was off doing something else, but once I finished unpacking our stuff and she finished doing that, I got a drink into my system and had some "alone time" ( ^_~) with her, and suddenly, I felt perfectly at home and friendly. The next few hours were a fun-filled blur. ellee and her husband YoggSothoth were delayed in their arrival, and I had tried to stay up and wait for them, but in the end, I asked Malignus to wake me up when they arrived. That happened around three AM, and I instantly regained my spunk when I saw them. I'm pretty sure that the moment we met was the moment that ellee and I became best friends forever. She also had a present for me, which filled me with mass amounts of glee:

We had lots of hugging and squeeing, and then we both got bedtime spankings and went to our respective rooms to sleep.

All in all, despite being tiring and scary, it was a great day. I knew that the party was off to a very good start indeed!

The next morning, I woke up and followed the smell of bacon to the kitchen. I guess a few other girls woke up earlier than I did and cooked. The only cooking I did during the entire trip was sandwich making, which I was strangely okay with. Once in a while, I guess a break can be nice. Right after breakfast, Malignus and Megan were taking a run to the nearby town to get a few things from the store that had been used up already or forgotten, and I came along. I said that this was because I needed to make sure that they got the right kind of butter for me, but my motivation could be more plainly described with the words "YoggSothoth mentioned to Malignus that they should pick up some capsaicin because we 'forgot' ours and I wanted to do everything in my power to ensure that this pattern of 'forgetting' continued." You'll be happy to hear that I was successful in my mission.

After I saved everyone's life by ensuring this, I got myself into what one might call a "situation."
One of the implements that was available for use at this party was a sjambok. I'm scared of those. Double, triple scared. I'm especially scared because I've seen photos and read stories about them. Because I have absolutely no sense of self preservation whatsoever and I love to actively seek out the things that terrify me to further my submission/satisfy my curiosity, I asked Malignus to hit me with it. Remember that there have been no stories of me being spanked yet this day. This was the way that I started my play for the day. For being such a smart girl, I can be pretty stupid sometimes.

The first thing I can tell you about sjamboks: they are big. They are really long and they are super thick. They are flexible. It was kind of like my most feared cane (the nylon one) on an overdose of PCP.

I remember when I thought that this was a really big implement:


Here's that spoon next to the cricket bat (which you will hear tales of later) and the sjambok.

The tape measure is extended to 44 inches. This photo belongs to Malignus. The bat belongs to TNSpanker. The sjambok belongs to Latte (and in hell!) 

After I asked to be beaten with this horrible thing, Malignus marched me down to our bedroom with a horrible, sadistic grin on his face. He got far too much enjoyment just from holding the sjambok. His face was positively lit up with glee. He had me bare my bottom and lay over pillows and then, with very little warning (let alone warming up!) he hit me with it.

How can I describe it? Was it the worst thing I'd ever been hit with? Yes. By a lot? Yes. Was I just psyching myself up into believing that? I don't know. I've certainly had things which looked worse afterwards. The individual weals were thicker than anything I've ever had before, though, rather raised, and were hard underneath. He gave me five (I believe) and then told me he was doing the last one two handed. I was crying and having a hard time holding still, so I asked for a moment before he did that. He agreed, but gave me two that way as a result. One of these was on my thighs. The other was higher than the others, and where I least expected it. I nearly experienced Sudden Butt Death, but somehow survived. ;)

This looks nowhere near as bad as it felt!

The results? Sjamboks are bad and no one should buy them. So much hurt!

Chapter 2 out of many will be posted tomorrow. (I know this for a fact: I already wrote it!)


  1. Wow. Congrats on your first party. So far it sounds fantastic. A sjambok in the first 24 hrs? That's excruciatingly impressive. ;-) And well done saving everyone's bottoms (literally) by finding the capsaicin. Looking forward to Chapter 2.

    1. What can I say: I'm nothing if not stupidly brave! Glad you're looking forward to the rest!

  2. dang girl if you already wrote it then post it :P

  3. A most excellent and sjambokeyscary post. I cannot believe you asked for that. Those things are legit terrifying.

    You know, though, quiet moments of braveryare too often unsung. Saving everyone from that cream, that was downright heroic. GOOD JOB. :D

    Looking forward to all your parts!


    1. Thanks! My parts are looking forward to you, too!

  4. Sometimes I think that I'll try just about anything once. But hearing a sjambok is like a "nylon cane on PCP," that's all I need to know! Sounds like it was a really fun party, look forward to reading more.

    1. Yeah- don't try a sjambok! It was super fun and I'm glad you're enjoying reading about it. :)

  5. Sounds like a great time. Glad you first party was a big hit.

    ~Todd and Suzy

  6. Lol, when Robert first got his sjambok I described it as a rubber cane on steroids. I couldn't believe I brought him into the spanko scene and the first implement he ever seeks out and purchases it that...thing. I'd never even heard of them and thought I'd been spanked with pretty much everything in existence already. The horror stories are NOT exaggeration. He wields it with that same sadistic glee too, such mean men! Sjamboks are bad, I concur.

    Glad you had such a fun party! I miss you!

    1. I don't look forward to the eventual fact that someday Robert will probably come up with some reason to hit me with his sjambok, lol! I'm glad we don't have one at home!

  7. I looooove reading this! I had no idea you went to such lengths to save us all from capsaicin. You are truly the best girl of all time and do it wearing bows soooo adorably ;) I want to go back! Miss you <3

    Your will is impressive. I wasn't brave enough for hte sjambok. Respect +7.
