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Friday, March 2, 2012

First Party: Chapter 2

Shortly after my sjamboking, ellee and YoggSothoth (who I shall now refer to as YS to save time on typing) got up and I started hanging out with them more. ellee and I were going to start coloring, something which we'd been looking forward to for a long time, when we heard that people were going outdoors to do outside spankings. This sounded like something that we wanted to participate in, so we found our shoes and jackets. Unfortunately, I had previously been wearing jeans. I packed them because I figured that jeans are a good thing to wear out in the woods. I forgot one key detail: this was a SPANKING party. (See also: my feelings on pants.) Because of this, I had decided that I was only going to wear panties on the lower half of my body for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, it's winter and it was cold outside, so I had to put something on, so I settled for my Bambi fuzzypants. I also had the difficulty of having a long coat: Malignus says it makes me look like a crazy lady, but I argue that it's warm and when you don't wear pants, you need all the extra warmth you can get! When I reached the log which all the other bottoms were bent over (and some were already getting spanked!) I realized that I would have to leave my coat off.

Getting spanked while over a log in the woods was my first real interaction with a couple of the tops who were there. The swats hurt a little bit, even over my pants, especially because it was cold and the tops were using paddles and straps and such things, but mostly, my reaction was to laugh, because it was super fun to be getting spanked in a row with a bunch of other girls in the middle of the woods. I was also right next to ellee, and we were holding hands some of the time. Fun!

At some point while this was happening, Malignus started messing around with a little sapling that was growing in the ground near the fallen tree we were all bent over. He uprooted it (it still had a pretty complete root system) and directed me back into position. I was seriously cracking up about the idea of getting spanked with an entire tree. I was surprised when he hit me: I figured it was going to be a light and playful swat. I guess "light and playful" and "entire tree" don't really go together. (Arguably, "light and playful" and "Malignus hitting Alex" don't really go together most of the time, either.) Anyway, it hurt a lot. It was the thuddiest thing I've ever been hit with, which is really not surprising. He gave me four or five hard strokes while the other girls looked on in a combination of horror and amusement. I still have a bruise from that tree.

After beating me with an entire tree, he pulled a fairly thick and intimidating looking switch and gave me about ten strokes with that. The fact that I had my only switching experience on a cold bottom and thighs in the middle of the woods after being hit with a tree doesn't really allow me to give a fair and balanced opinion of it, but I did get over some of my terror regarding getting longer switchings in the future. I did scream my head off into the woods, though.  He then gave another girl three strokes with it (which she later described as the most painful thing she had experienced in her life that far!) and then gave Megan a few. Megan might have even less of a sense of self preservation than I do: she opted to pull her jeans down to get the switch. 0_0

We then went back up to the house and ellee and I got to work on our coloring. This was interrupted by YS giving ellee a strapping, and later, by him doing the same to me for the first time. Getting spanked by him was pretty exciting. It's rare that I meet someone whose Dominance I immediately want to respect, but I felt that way about YS. I felt like calling him "Sir" almost immediately, making him only the fourth person I've habitually used an honorific with, ever. When I got in position for him to spank me, he told me to ask for it (I'd just seen the way that ellee had done this). In most circumstances, when someone other than Malignus gives me an order (outside of things we'd discussed for a scene) I get all scrunchy faced. I might even respond with "don't you fucking tell me what to goddamn do!" But when YS told me to ask for my spanking, I didn't even hesitate before saying "Please spank me, Sir." It's rare but lovely to find someone whose Dominance inspires me, and it made playing with him very enjoyable. He spanked me quite hard with a London Tanners' strap. It was lovely.

Later, Malignus took a nap, YS went off to smoke a cigar with another Top and ellee and I were left unsupervised with our coloring. As I previously mentioned, ellee is a doctor. One of the things that she brought with her was her prescription pad. Ever since I moved from Los Angeles, I've wanted a pet. Specifically, I want a bunny. I wanted a cat, but I knew that would never happen, so a bunny seemed like the next best thing. I was totally in love with Naomi's bunny, Tomato, until it died.
RIP Tomato :(

I happened to know that ellee had amazingly adorable bunnies that were full of love and cuddles, and that one of them licked her face and cuddled her and stuff. We'd been endeavoring to get me a bunny for a long time, and we'd come up with what seemed like a perfect plan. ellee would write me a prescription for one. She got out her prescription paper and filled it out so that it was super official. She prescribed me one mini-rex bunny rabbit (live) for cuddling, with one refill (so I could have two! Bunnies are best in pairs). She signed and dated it and everything.

Earlier in the day, ellee had her doctor stuff out and was looking at Malignus' eye (which was adorable, because she kept jumping up and down with excitement about it) and had also tested some of my reflexes and found that some were hypersensitive. When Malignus got up from his nap and ellee and I presented him with the prescription, she started with this information. She said a few serious doctor things, and then said something about scientific accuracy and peer review. Then Malignus looked at what the prescription was for and got immediately grumpy. ellee and I were pretty much rolling around on the ground laughing. We couldn't let it go and kept saying things about how I was going to get a bunny and it was going to cuddle and love me, and finally, Malignus grabbed ellee by the arm and lead her towards the bedroom. While he was arranging things on the bed so that he could give her a spanking, she hid in the closet. It was a mini, half sized closet, so Malignus didn't even think to look there when he turned around and discovered that she wasn't there. He advanced toward me with "the look" on his face and demanded that I tell him where she was, but all I could squeak out was "she's not here!" He turned to go look for her upstairs, but ellee was laughing too hard in the closet and gave herself away (which is good, because I would have eventually had to tell on her, and that would have been sad!)

Artistic rendering of ellee hiding from Malignus in the closet

Anyway, he found her, pulled her over his lap and spanked her very thoroughly, until she was saying she was sorry and and apologizing for misusing her medical privileges and I'm not sure what else. For a second, it might have seemed that I had gotten off free, but Malignus informed me that he wanted to wait until I had healed from my earlier spankings (including the sjamboking, the tree-ing and switching) before he gave me mine. I was very 0_0 at that news.

I'm not even halfway through telling the stories of the first full day at the cabin! I haven't even gotten to 4:00 PM yet! This is going to be a long series of posts. Stay tuned! More tomorrow!


  1. I love your blog! I should also point out that that prescription is valid for 360 days. :D

    1. I love you! I wish I could talk to you today! :(

  2. This just gets more and more amazing with every chapter. The outdoor scene sounds flat out amazing the way you describe it and show it. Bring on Chapter 3. :-)

    1. You didn't mark "refill as necessary"??? #quickfixit!!

    2. This comment was supposed to go on the comment above :/

  3. I've been having fun reading your account of the party. BTW, you deserve a bunny. :-)

  4. I had no idea that the tree was right AFTER THE SJAMBOKING.

    Jeezy chreezy.

    I too assumed that this would be, you know, a couple light taps. Yowch. Meanie.

  5. Why is it that it never seems to work out when bottoms try to help each other? Lol. There are more chapters so I'm hoping you still end up with a bunny by the present time.

    1. When Tops work together, we get spanked. When we work together, we get spanked. Seems unfair to me!
