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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Shameless Self Promotion and Meme Day 2

You know what a blog is great for? Shameless self promotion. I shall now direct you to two lovely things.

First, a piece of my writing (an edited version of this post) is now being included in the "Great Reads" section of Cane-iac's website! I'm thrilled to be included here. I haven't been asked to endorse them or anything, but I must say that the people who run the company and site are just lovely, that I've gotten the best customer service imaginable when ordering from them and that their implements are of the highest and most painful quality.

Secondly, Pandora Blake (for whom I have a kind of excessive spanko/intellectual fondness) has included my post "Tips for Newbies" in her recommended reading on her blog.

Additionally, I'm working on a few minor ways to improve this blog. Changes may be appearing as early as tonight, but I'm not making any promises. Thus far, the only visible differences appear to those who view my source code.

Those of you who follow me on fetlife know that I had a fairly rough day yesterday, and I'm still kind of recovering from that. I basically had insomnia the night before and didn't sleep at all, and then had a few stressful things happen and then had stress induced insomnia until about 3 AM. I then got up and went to work, but I was able to come home early and get a refreshing nap in. It was seriously some of the best sleep I've ever had in my life.

That's my "I just woke up" face!

I shall now be continuing on to Day Two of the Ten Day Journaling Meme!

9 Things About Myself:

1) My legal name is extremely long and includes two hyphens.

2) Before the onset of her Lupus, my mother was a professional ballerina. I was therefore forced into taking ballet for ten years. I was horrible at it and no one liked me there. I then took ballet in college to try to prove to myself that I could be good at it. I was horrible at it and no one liked me there. So I gave up.

3) I almost never wear a bra. The size and shape of my breasts don't require it. I'm kind of enamored with my own boobs. Like, a lot.

4) I am pretty sure I will never stop wanting to buy more pervertables and underpants. Every store I go into, I look at them.

5)The longest time that I ever spent in a corner was two and a half hours.

6) That popular quote is wrong for me: my deepest fear IS that I am inadequate.

7) When I was sixteen, I could buy alcohol without being carded. Now, I frequently get mistaken for a minor. It makes me really uncomfortable to think that I've gotten younger looking in the last eight years.

8) There have been days that were more significant or "greater," but the happiest day of my life was when Malignus took me to Bear Country USA. Looking at baby bears with a person who I'd recently realized I was in love with while I had a ridiculously sore bottom from having gotten a ton of spankings the week before is pretty hard to top. That was the day that I truly understood what it meant to allow myself to feel and focus on only good things for a little while. Also, the baby bears chewed each other's ears and smelled like puppies.

9) I love being in school. I wish that being a professional student was practical/possible.


  1. Very cool post with a lot of nice insights. HOWEVER, one very glaring error. You're very intelligent, very pretty, sweet as a candy store, and a few other things.....but you are NEVER "inadequate". So #6 just does not compute.

  2. I have to point out that for most women, # 7 is a godsend. 20 years from now it'll be more of an asset. ;-)

  3. I wish I didn't have to wear a bra! Yet, my bodacious ta-tas require one! >:(


  4. Aw, you're very welcome! It was an excellent post.

    Also, *high five* bra-less solidarity :D
