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Monday, January 7, 2013

Curious About: Revisted

Over a year ago, I made a post detailing my spanking related bucket list. I've had an incredible variety of experiences since then, and I think it's a good time to look back on the things that I was previously curious about. I haven't done everything on this list yet, but I've been able to cross of a large number of the items. :D

Getting spanked with a bath brush

Not the best photo in terms of capturing the color, but still nice, right?

"Bath brushes are a nice thing to get spanked with," said no one, ever. 
Still, I'm glad to have added them to my repertoire of things that I get hit with. There's a certain comfort that comes from being hit with something you really don't like by someone that you trust. It's also a great implement for the times when I want to feel overwhelmed by a spanking. It certainly gets that job done. Scale is important to me: it's good to have implements in our collection that are somewhat comfortable on either an emotional level or which just aren't that physically awful and to have things on the other end of that spectrum. Still, it's not something I'm going to let just anyone hit me with. :)

Being co-topped

I've certainly had a few experiences with cotopping, but it's still something I'd like to explore more. One method of this which I've done quite a few times is a round-robin style spanking, where I moved from one Top to another getting spanked by each one. Another that I tried a few times, especially at the Cabin Party is the method where I was positioned across both Tops' laps and shifted forward so that the second one could spank me after the first finished (see photo above). Cotopping is something that I'd like to do more with, though. I'd ideally like to have two Tops, particularly people who I already felt close to, take turns between strokes, especially with one Top standing on either side of me. I've seen people do scenes like this at parties, and it's something I remain curious about. 

Getting spanked on a wet bottom

Swimsuit spanking!

This is another thing which I'm glad I've tried, but which certainly isn't high on my list of preferences. I experienced this for the first time during a video with Lily Starr where she dragged me out of the shower in order to put me over the bed and spank me with a bathbrush. Later, at TASSP, Malignus spanked me directly after we'd gotten out of the pool. I was a bit more dry then, but it still was extra stingy. At the Cabin Party, YS spanked me while we were in the hot tub outdoors, which was an assortment of interesting sensations: cold air, warm body, wet bottom. Later at that same party, the Tops all assembled to gang up on girls who were coming in from the hot tub and I got spanked by about six people in a row on my wet bottom. Lots and lots of adventures in wet bottom spanking!

Attending spanking parties
Huge check. 
In the past year, I went from having never been to any kind of spanking party to having attended two cabin parties, one local party in Denver, TASSP, two Crimson Moons and Shadowlane. I'm now basically addicted to them, and plan to go to all the parties, ever. :D

Sitting down in the snow after a hard spanking
Still curious.
There was no snow when we were in Colorado and that was the only time when I really got spanked outside very much. I did a little bit of it during my first Cabin Party, but there was very limited snow available at the time. I still think it's a good idea. :)

Getting spanked on the beach
Still curious.
I don't know where exactly I'd find a beach where I felt comfortable enough to do this, but the idea continues to tickle me. I think it could either be lots of fun or extremely relaxing, depending on how it was done. 

Getting spanked in my car

Taken after Amoni spanked me in her car.

I've actually never been spanked in my personal car, although Amoni spanked me in the back of her car once. It was actually fairly comfortable, although obviously not the ideal set up. This scene was pretty light hearded, considering the fact that she's my friend and we were in the backseat of her car in front of her house in the middle of the woods at night. She handed me a hairbrush and said "think about what a naughty person you are." 
I've also been hit on my thigh while Malignus was driving basically every day that we've ever ridden in the same car, although that's not exactly the same thing. I plan on buying an actually new car (instead of just a "new to me" car) in the next year or so, and I'm sure that I'd be able to convince Malignus to spank me in it to celebrate its procurement. :D

Getting an extremely long spanking

Danny Creighton spanking me for a really long time at a Scarlet Moons party.

I've had two experiences which I think fall into this category, although there's certainly a lot more to explore here. I'll start by saying that I had received a couple of fairly long spankings before I made this post. One of these was probably my favorite spanking ever, where I fell into subspace for the first time and I really have no idea how long it lasted. Because of the spacing out, it never seemed extremely long, but in retrospect (and after talking to Malignus about it) I realize that it was somewhat epic. Another very long spanking was a hand spanking which YS gave me during the Cabin Party (a lot of noteworthy things happened during that party). That was really lovely indeed: he spanked me with his hand for at least 45 minutes, varying speed and intensity so that it was never "easy" but never overwhelming either. I just snuggled against him and felt very safe and cozy.

The most recent of my spankings of epic proportions took place at the Scarlet Moons party which I attended with Amoni in Denver. This was the first time I actually got to meet Danny Creighton (who, by the way, I am seeing and getting spanked by in less than 12 hours) and after Amoni and I hung out with him and Sophie for a while, we decided that the only right thing in the world would be for him to spank me. :) He did so quite thoroughly and for quite an extended period of time, making me positively blissed out despite the constant group of people coming and going. He mostly used his hand, but occasionally threw in swats with a wooden paddle, which really confused my brain because I was not paying very careful attention to what, exactly was going on behind me, just the fact that I felt lovely and relaxed. He finished the whole thing up quite a bit later with some belting, which was much more energizing than relaxing, but was done with a presence and tone that made me turn to putty inside. (Oh hey, I can't wait for tomorrow! This is like, Christmas Eve or something!)

Purchasing leather implements
Still curious.

Leather remains an area which I need to keep exploring. I've had scenes with leather implements which I've really enjoyed, and I know that if I had more leather choices in the implement bag I'd probably do more of it at home which would make me even more accustomed to the sensation. 

Cutting a switch
Mostly check.

I've been switched a couple of times, most notably in a treehouse with ellee by Robert Wolf. Switches are stingy and kind of mean, but there continues to be something interesting about them to me. I've never done the sort of scene where a girl is sent out to select and cut her own switch and bring it back to be spanked with, though, and I think that's something that I'd like to do. I like the idea of the ritualized experience there, and there's something sort of intriguingly uncomfortable about selecting it on my own.

That covers my original list. I've been thinking about adding some new items to this, although those would mostly be focused around people I'd like to be spanked by or particular fantasy scenes that I have kicking around in my head and the idea of sharing those is always a little embarrassing. 
Now goodnight, I need my beauty sleep so that I can get spanked tomorrow. :D


  1. Ooh, Danny is one of my very favorite Tops. Please tell him "Hi" from me!

    I'm glad to have been part of some of your new experiences, yay! :-)

    1. You've been an awesome part of my adventures and new experiences. I had a great time with Danny yesterday. Miss you! <3

  2. "Bath brushes are a nice thing to get spanked with," said no one, ever.

    True story! And in follow up to that, leather things are sooo much better than wood things. I highly recommend getting more of them!

    1. Yeah, I'll have to look into that in the future. Seems like a good plan. :)

  3. As always there's volunteers available to help check off the remaining items ;-) Glad you got most of your favorites taken care of.

    1. Yes, I know that I'll eventually get around to all of them. It's about finding the right situation for some of them. :)
