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Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012, Continued

I left off from my year-in-review after describing June and the excitement it contained. I shall now pick back up with:


While I didn't blog about it, I had an amazing 25th birthday on July 6th, during which I visited with friends, got to go to Bear Country (my favorite of places!) got lovely birthday spankings and received my most beloved pets, Telsa and Newton the guinea piggies, from Malignus. It was seriously great.

Later that month, I started out on a series of adventures which would keep me away from home for most of the rest of the summer. This began with Chicago Crimson Moon. I had lots of fun and met many cool people for the first time, and I got to spend more quality time with some people I really care for. From Chicago, I flew to LA for another visit, which was fun and exciting.


August started out in Los Angeles, where I got to visit with friends and eat lots of delicious ethnic treats. Especially noteworthy was the time that I spent visiting with Erica Scott and the adventures that Lily Starr and I shared. While there, I celebrated my seventh "Spankoversary" which I discovered takes place on Consensual Spanking Day.  From Los Angeles, I traveled to Texas to do more shooting and have more adventures. I stayed with WYO and LLB and got to get really close with them. They've become some of my favorite people, and I'm really thankful to have them in my life! Near the end of my visit with them, Heather joined us there for a night and then the next morning, the two of us took off on a road trip of epic proportions which would eventually land us at the Mother of All Spanking Parties: Shadow Lane. It was an epic party where I got to meet and hang out with lots of awesome people, and, because of the company I got to keep, was probably the best party I've been to at present.

My regret for the month of August is that Richard Windsor didn't spank me when we met, but I've set things in motion to make my future spanking from him inevitable. :)


September started out as a recovery month for me. I landed back in Sioux Falls after having been gone for six weeks straight and was very glad to see Malignus again. I celebrated the completion of my first year as a spanking model and my 100th blog post.  I did lots and lots of sleeping to make up for time lost while on the road. After I was caught up, I had a big event. I had organized my first spanking get together, a private cabin party in Colorado. It was amazing. Things came together extremely well, and everyone had a great time. I got to see a ton of people I care about and spent lots of quality time with them. There were lots of outdoor spankings, including outdoor switchings:

We traveled on and came across a series of small, young birch trees. The area that I chose to get a cabin in happened to, entirely by chance, be largely without deciduous trees, so this was a bit of a rarity. As we viewed them, the Tops pointed out that they were very supple and swishy looking and would make excellent switches.

"Oh darn!" I exclaimed. "No one has a knife with them. What a shame. I guess we can't have any switches."

Robert pulled a knife out of his pocket. If life was a comic book, there would have been a "SNIKT" sound effect. My face looked like this: -_-.

Shortly after a large number of switches had been cut, we climbed up to a small tree house. We got inside and ellee and I received treehouse switchings. The joy of being in a treehouse and being spanked while viewing an incredible landscape almost took away the sting. Key word: almost.


Photo copyright Amoni Jones

October was the month where I SUCKED at blogging. I did basically none of it, only banking two entires. I did, however, have lots of important things happen. For one, after returning home from the cabin party, I realized that not only did I feel naturally submissive towards YS, I really liked feeling submissive towards him. There were little moments during the party where I knew that things just felt right. After consulting with ellee to make sure she was alright with it (as she is my best friend, after all) I asked YS to take me under consideration and he agreed. I think that same day, or maybe the next, ellee asked Malignus to do the same thing for her. I really like the system that was created: ellee and I have always been sisterly and there's something that makes the world feel like it is in its proper order that we both answer to the same pair of people. It was also in October that I went to Los Angeles for more epic adventures in modeling, visited Disneyland with Lily Starr and Robert Wolf, shot Sternwood Academy, Volume 2, went to Denver and shot a billion amazing pictures with Amoni, filmed with Real Spankings AND went to Crimson Moon's Halloween party, where my Bad Counterpart (theBadAlex) and I discovered the horrors of eyebrow threading and were probably both traumatized for life. Busy. Month.


November was another resting month, and the beginning of some winter time off. There was a drastic increase in my posting frequency during this month, due to YS' new leadership: he implemented rules ensuring that I post frequently enough to keep everyone happy.
For Thanksgiving, Malignus and I traveled to Texas where we spent it with WYO, LLB and an assortment of other awesome spankos. It was a great time. I love being at their place: wonderful friendship, delicious food, nightly hot tubbing, hard spankings, cute puppy. What more could a girl ask for in life, really? I also spent lots of time working on plans for Malignus' (then) upcoming birthday surprises. Near the end of the month, I got grounded from using the light on the stove for leaving it on too often. I'm including this because it still seems rather ridiculous to me, both that I would get such a simple thing wrong and that I'd end up getting so much grief for it.


December was, by leaps and bounds, the highest traffic month that my blog ever saw. This is probably largely owed to YS' encouragement, an attempt that I started making to put more of my narrative writing skills into some of my posts and the fact that a couple of my posts ended up on Chross' list. Certainly not without effect on this is the fact that I was nominated for Creative Spanking Blog of the Year over at The Spanking Spot, an honor which made me extremely proud. Early in the month I had kind of a break through scene with Malignus, which was also noteworthy because I feel it was one of the only times I've actually been able to successfully write up a scene-story in a way that could be meaningful to anyone other than myself.

The holidays descended on us! At first, our festivities began slowly, but as friends got involved, things picked up pace. We started out with one Christmas ornament: a tiny ornament of a wooden spoon with a red handle (like some awful thing that a lot of girls are familiar with). By the time New Years rolled around, we had lights, a small but beautiful tree with a bunch of great decorations on it, Christmas cookies, Christmas stockings, wrapped presents, candy and I even got Christmas pajamas. Malignus got me a Kitchenaid mixer, something I'd always dreamed about. I was a really freaking happy girl, and I had a very Merry Christmas indeed.

The highlight of the month, and possibly of the year, was Malignus' birthday, though. I secretly planned a series of five surprises for him: first, ellee arrived at the house for a surprise visit. Then, I left the two of them alone to enjoy some time together while I snuck off and retrieved Heather Green. After their weekend ended, Malignus was pretty sure that was that was the end of his festivities. It was not. The next weekend, PTL ALSO arrived for ANOTHER secret visit! This also included his fourth surprise, a birthday cake with the words "It's your birthday again" on it.

Malignus' cakes from last year (left) and this year. 
Needless to say, he loved it. His final surprise arrived a few days after his actual birthday: it was a book that I'd made for him. I asked as many people as I could think of who I knew were close to Malignus in some capacity to make a page for this book, expressing whatever sentiment they wanted to share. Because of time constraints and other situations, not everyone was able to participate, but I still got 20+ awesome pages, all of which brought a huge smile to Malignus' face. Heather and I even designed a page from her dog, Lucy. Malignus likes Lucy so much he did not even think this was stupid.


By the time that New Year's Eve rolled around, I was supposed to be finishing this post, but I instead got goofy on the one glass of champagne that I had and didn't get around to it, preferring NOT to write when tipsy and stupid. The first day of 2013 was great, the next two, not as much, but I know things will pick up. I'm looking forward to having a wonderful year!

Thanks to everyone who made 2012 one of the best years ever. Love you guys.


  1. my birthday is july 6th too but iam 41 i wouldnt mind doing bday spanking with you me spanking you for your bday and you watching me get my bday spanking from the female top of your choosing iam sure you be willing join in giving me my bday spanks too

    madison ohio
    age 41

    1. That's neat that we have the same birthday. :)

    2. me too i think great too so any borthday spankings between planned this year i spank you for your birthday you find female top to give me my birthday spanking

      madison ohio
      age 41

  2. A Happy New Year to you, Alex! Thanks for sharing all your memories of 2012. I hope that 2013 will be another great year for you. :-)

    1. Thank you! I hope you and Ludwig have a great year, too. :)

  3. I had fun meeting you in 2012. :-) Sounds like you had a fun and busy year and I hope 2013 is a good one for you!

    Did nobody have a cat that Malignus is fond of? That way the cat could've added a page to the book and meowed at him. ;-)

    1. Malignus hates all the kitties except that really grumpy cat which Erica hates. That cat appeared in the book three times. :P
