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Monday, July 8, 2013

Real Spankings Shoot Three: Meeting Masterson

Following my trip to Texas and about a week of downtime in South Dakota, I took off for Denver. This was the start of a series of ridiculously wonderful adventures and I'm very glad to be sharing them now! I arrived in Denver with the plan to visit with Amoni for a while (and of course take photos together) and shoot for Real Spankings before heading off to a cabin with Paul for over two weeks of alone time. Amoni got me from the airport and we had a series of nice adventures together, including but not limited to attending a Scarlet Moons spanking party for an evening, jumping on her trampoline (is this a theme? Yes, yes it is) and a delightful photo shoot.

The night before my Real Spankings shoot, I was feeling a little bit nervous. I've shot with them two other times before, and had a wonderful, if very painful experience both times. The first time, I was topped by Betty Blaze for all of my scenes. This was very comfortable for me, because we got along well right away and I felt like it was easy for me to be myself around her. I felt a bit nervous when I had to do clips that involved me being interviewed on camera because that's not my strongest suit, but the actual spankings were really fun and enjoyable to film.

One of my first RSI scenes. This hurt and was very sore after, but the scene was really immersive and fun to film!

The second day that I filmed it was with Danny Creighton topping me. I'd met and hung out with Danny before, and we'd played at a Scarlet Moons party a few months before that, so I felt very at ease being spanked by him. The details of that shoot are in this post, but it was both fun and challenging, since I did the "School Swats" and "School Strokes" series and those were both quite hard spankings.

From my second shoot.

The shoot that I was getting ready for was going to be with Michael Masterson. I'd never met him before, and I'd been told by everyone who had worked with him that he was very nice and personable. He'd also been very friendly towards me on the internet. That said, I was pretty intimidated. I'd been watching him spank girls crazy hard for... years. It's also always a bit weird for me when I meet someone in real life who I had been aware of on the internet for a long time. I feel kind of shy and self conscious around them. This was at it's most severe when I first met Paul, because I'd had an internet crush on him for a long time (sidenote: yes, I realize that my current situation is one that people usually don't get to have. Luckiest girl on the internet, right here!) so I was extremely shy around him and kept sort of looking at the floor and talking in a quiet voice. With Michael, I felt pretty confident about the idea of meeting him and talking to him, but I was a bit jittery at the thought of being spanked by him. During the time in my life where marking and obvious severity were important to me in the content that I viewed, I'd looked at a lot of his work because it really satisfied those requirements. I'd seen countless girls reduced to tears by him over the years. Was I next?

When I arrived at the filming location, I was full of nervous energy. We hadn't really planned out any shoot ideas in advance, but I knew we were going to do four scenes, split between the two sites. I came into the house and saw Betty, who I'm always happy to see. She's friendly and fun, and I really enjoy being around her at shoots. Then I met Michael, who was very friendly and personable. I hope I didn't act too nervous as we sat on the sofas and chatted, so he could get to know me a little bit. I talked about other shoots I'd done, and my personal preferences. At one point, he mentioned how he's always had trouble finding other good Tops for the site.

"Oh yeah, I remember you writing that on your blog in like, 2005." I said. I *did* remember that. Michael's blog was one of the first ones that I followed (along with spanking blog and Adele Haze's blog. I don't know why those three were the ones I got into, I just found them and started reading :D) and I distinctly remember the post in which he discussed what it took to be a good Top on film and how difficult it was to find people who fit those requirements.

I think Michael was pretty surprised that not only was I very familiar with his sites and all the content that they'd done over the years but that I was able to remember details from eight year old blog posts. I worried that this made me creepy, but I know that personally I find it very complimentary when people can converse with me in a way that makes it obvious that they actually read what I write, so I hoped he took it the same way.

We then started talking about what my limitations in terms of what I'd want to do were. I felt pretty open for anything, but I was honest about one thing that was important to me. "I'd rather do my most severe scene OTK, since that position makes it much easier for me to take something hard." Real Spankings does a lot of bent over positions, even lunge position type spankings and if I'm getting spanked particularly hard, I start to be afraid that I'm going to fall over in these poses. I *can* take hard spankings in these positions, but if I don't have to focus on holding myself up, I feel more vulnerable and safe and react better. Michael asked me what kind of thing I was thinking of. "I could go for a hard spanking with a hairbrush or something like that," I suggested.

Masterson was obviously pleased by this suggestion. Apparently a lot of girls don't just show up and ask for hard hairbrush spankings. I do! That kind of scene is very core to my kink, and I love it when I can do videos that embrace the things that are very "me" like that. The fact that we decided to do that as a school girl scene made it even better.

We then got on to doing our first two scenes. They're for Real Spankings.com (not RSI) and haven't been released yet. The first one was a pretty long and hard hand spanking scene. I felt a bit nervous as we started, but the scene was straight forward and moved very quickly into the spanking, and as soon as it started, I felt calmer. It was hard, and certainly not playful, but it felt quite comfortably within my tolerance, and I appreciated the fact that he wasn't trying to intimidate me right out the door and was obviously concerned about my emotional comfort, not just with making a great scene. This felt very mentally good, and I took the rest of the spanking in a good headspace.

The second scene was immediately following the first, as it was a "part two" in the same story. In this scene, I got belted. I used to be kind of fearful of belts, but the more I get spanked with them, the more I've come to find that they fit very nicely into certain parts of my kink. They're very traditionally masculine, and I like the use of everyday objects for violent purposes :D. For this scene, I was bent over the bed and I tried my best not to move from my position too much. The belt hurt, though. Lots and lots. I cried out and struggled a little bit, but again, I felt very secure throughout the entire scene.

We took a bit of a break after that, and then moved to doing the Real Spankings Institute scenes. The first one of these was a strapping scene where I was bent over and holding onto the railing in the hallway. I liked the very public and on-the-spot nature of the scene. The strap hurt plenty, too. It carried a lot more weight than the belt had, and each stroke made me jut forward a bit and whimper or cry out.

My bottom is red and my face is concerned. :)

This scene had a somewhat longer spanking, although again it got to the action pretty quickly. My character was a little bit sulky about what was happening to her. It's very unfair being me sometimes!


I was impressed with Michael's technical finesse, although it makes sense, since he's been doing this for a long time. My bottom was covered in a box of red, without any strokes deviating from where they should have been. Perfect coverage and a lot of soreness.

We went on to film the final scene immediately after this one, pretty much. The idea was that in the first scene, The Dean had come to get me to strap me because I'd gotten in trouble by the Head Girl earlier in the day and he had warned me that if I had to be punished again that week, it would be severe before sending me off to class. I suppose I just sat in my room and pouted for a little while, because I then realized that I was late for class and came thundering down the staircase. This meant running in actual corridors with carrying schoolbooks. Fun. I wish I could do that all the time! (I suppose I could just do this in my apartment, but that's not very fun.)

The Dean, of course, caught me, and was impressed with my incorrigibility (thanks, so am I! It's a talent, getting into so much trouble) since he had just spanked me in the hallway a few minutes before. He asked me why I was late and I responded with "It's your fault, because you were spanking me!"

Not my best plan. I was quickly lead into the lounge, where he returned with a brush. This was no ordinary hairbrush, but a Vermont Country Store bathbrush. If you aren't familiar, it's basically a legendary implement because it hurts. A lot. It's a very unforgiving wood, and it has a fairly long handle for the size of the spanking surface, which means that it gets a lot of momentum and then throws that all down over a small area. Michael warned me in advance that it's the kind of thing that when used as hard as he was going to (gulp) would often leave a girl particularly bruised. I wasn't worried about this. Between the amount of spanking that I get on a regular basis, my skin care regime and the foods that I make sure I include in my diet, my butt rarely ever meets it's match anymore, and while things hurt like hell still, I never really end up looking damaged.

Michael put me over his lap and started to spank me with the brush, scolding me about my irresponsibility and attitude. The brush was tremendously painful. It was blinding, clarifying pain: the kind of thing where I simply can't think about anything else. I just existed in that moment, with my white panties down around my knees and my bottom pushed up where it was most accessible to that horrible brush which collided with me again and again and again. I wailed and my face contorted with pain. I struggled a bit, throwing my hand back. Masterson caught it and held it firmly, and this pacified me a bit as the spanking continued. It was horribly wonderful. I felt sore and swollen and my flesh was burning hot by the time that it was finished. My throat hurt from wailing so much. It was exactly the kind of scene that I had wanted.

After I caught my breath from this last scene, I felt very pleased with myself. In a way, it had been just as severe as I had been worried it would have been, but this hadn't been a hinderance to me. It was hardly even a challenge. It was delightful to engage in such a tough scene. I was full of endorphins and adrenaline, and felt on cloud nine. I did it! I took it and took it well. :D

Once I had done my paperwork, Amoni got to come in and view the sets and meet everyone, which was very exciting for her, since she's also a fan of the sites. I excitedly told her all about the spankings I had gotten and showed her my butt.

It hurt to sit in the car on the way back to our friends' house were we were going to hang out. I squirmed in the seat a bit. Once we did get back, Amoni gave me a long lotion rub to soothe my skin and help me to calm down from my jittery excitement. She's a very good friend.

It's shiny from lotion, but basically magenta colored. See? No real bruising! :D

I'm very happy with the way that this shoot went, and I think that the videos are great. You should probably go check them out. I can't wait until I get to go shoot for them again: I'm hoping to maybe get out in that direction again before the end of the summer. We'll see.


  1. You are welcome back anytime, you are a pleasure to be around and to spank. Cheers, Michael.

    1. Thank you! I'll be in touch with Betty about scheduling a next time, since I can't wait to do it again. You're wonderful to be spanked by, and I'm so glad I got the chance! :D

  2. Sounds like it was an awesome shoot! Annnnd you got a new paddle shortly thereafter because thrift stores are awesome. Did you ever change the boy names to girl names? ;-)


    1. Yes! That part is in the next post that I hope to finish tonight or tomorrow. :D I can't leave my dear Sophie out of the story! I left the paddle at Amoni's house and asked her husband to sand it for me. I forgot to check in on it until now, so we'll see! We can start adding girl names soon!

  3. You look wonderful in all the pictures. Love how the school uniform looks on you, and your bottom marks so beautifully.

    1. Thanks so much, Mr. Brian! I appreciate your kind words!

  4. Glad that it was a good experience AND that you have plans to go back. I think I may soon be time to re-up my membership in RS and RSI!


  5. Wow sounds like a great shoot and some hard scenes! Do you ever miss your magic marker status and wish you had some marks to remember a spanking by?

    I hear you on the worries of seeming creepy by remembering things. Ha. Story of my life! I was hesitant to even greet you on an elevator at Shadow Lane because I kept thinking that'd seem creepy, she has no idea who I am!

    1. I do miss being able to mark. I wish it was something I could turn on and off, though: mark when I play for funsies, not when I'm shooting, and have them go away when it was time to work again no matter where they came from!

      Awww, I know who you are! You're never creepy. <3
