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Friday, July 12, 2013

Update Log and Links

Hi, everyone!
I'll have a real post for you before the weekend is over, but I wanted to let you know that I've done some site maintenance. The following changes have been made:

  • All banner ads were removed, in an attempt to avoid problems relating to Google's new policies regarding Adult Content blogs. It cleans things up, anyway.
  • New tabs were added under the header: Shoot With Me, Spank Me, Resume and Credits and Where is Alex?  
  • The "Shoot With Me" tab replaced the old "Modeling FAQ" tab and has more complete information. 
  • The "Spank Me" tab has information about private sessions. 
  • The "Resume and Credits" tab includes a lot of information that was previously scattered throughout the main page in one place, for people who are interested in what work I've done in the past and who I've worked with. If you appear on my list of performers that I've worked with but don't remember filming with me, it's probably because of the TASSP schoolgirl promo from 2012. If you don't appear in the section you think you should in this tab, please email me and I'll add you. I'm very sorry you were forgotten. 
  • "Where is Alex" is another new tab, and it's the home of my travel schedule on my blog, because that's important information that was previous lacking. 
  • If you're only here to know about me as a girl and here about my stories and you're not interested in the modeling stuff, it's super easy not to click on the links relating to that. Yay!
  • The "General FAQ" tab has been removed because a lot of the information included therein is no longer all that relevant. I'm always willing to answer questions via email or anonymously via my Tumblr
  • I renamed the "About Me" section to "Oh hai!" because that alone is a lot about me. :) I've updated this section as well as my Blogger user icon. I decided that I prefer to have a tiny picture of my overwhelmingly happy face instead of my tearstained one. Take from this what you will about my attitude these days. (Still love being spanked until I cry, always will).
  • I updated the text in my contact box. I still can't get Blogger to let me add a link to my email there. You have to copy+paste. Lamesauce. Sorry. 
  • I removed some of my "Noteworthy Posts" because of shifting attitudes and a need for updated information. I'll eventually add some more there, but for now I'm still playing catch up. 
  • I added several links on my "Sites on Which I Appear" section. I also changed the title wording to that since there's now a non-spanking site in the list, and I'd gotten emails asking if I was actually on all those sites or if they were just links. I know it's kind of a ridiculously long list. It's been a busy two years. Please note that if I shot for your site and you don't appear there, it may be because my content hasn't appeared on your site yet and I'll post your link when it does. If I'm actively available on your site and you have no link, drop me a line and I'll correct my error!
  • I removed all blogs from my links that haven't updated in over three months and haven't posted information regarding a planned hiatus. 
  • I added several new-to-me blog links that I've discovered since my last site update. If you'd like your blog linked to here and I don't have you up, please leave a comment with your link so I can check it out. Chances are, I'd be thrilled to include you. :) 
  • I re-ordered the links to list in alphabetical order instead of by most recent update, since this ordering seemed to be broken. I've included a stamp of most recent update time instead. I apologize to Beth for her blog having to live at the bottom of the list. :) 
  • I don't know how to make a list of labels on my blog. I realize that this is probably really easy. Can someone comment and let me know how to do? Right now, I think the labels are probably a huge waste of time. 
I still need to do another Cast of Characters page update. In the past, I've had a couple of people with hurt feelings because they didn't appear on the cast page. I'm super sorry about this if I've left you off. I never intentionally ignore someone here. While I do, occasionally simply forget to include someone, it's more likely that you simply hadn't appeared in the narrative yet when I last did my update. This is currently NOT up to date and will get there... eventually. (I'm no longer making time-based promises about when stuff will get done, aside from my two updates per week)

I want this blog to be easy to read, visually appealing and well laid out, so I welcome any feedback about these updates, or other changes you'd like to see. 

I usually don't post links to individual posts that I enjoyed like some bloggers do, but I've gota couple things for you to check out, if you're interested. :)
  • Erica Scott recently wrote a post which is very near and dear to my heart, and partially inspired by a situation that I had to deal with. Everyone should read this. :) 
  • Pandora Blake has a post about Marks Fetishism that was very resonate for me. Highly recommended. 
  • Beth Eisley mentioned on Fet the other day that she had recently gotten her first rude comment ever on this post. It's a super adorable and really sweet post.  The rude commenting boggles the mind. -_-
  • Christy Cutie wrote about our experience at TASSP, in a post that includes a lot of cute photos. Christy is just cute. You should take a peek. 
This is all for now. More coming soon!


  1. Thank you Alex. You have made a terrific site better. I loved Beth's post on bath time and I agree about the post by Erica. Some people are just morons.

    My friend burro told me she had a wonderful time at TASSP.


  2. Thanks, Joey! I'm glad that I've rediscovered your blog. I saw it previously, but didn't save the link (I think I may have been on my phone) and then it slipped my mind. I'm looking forward to following you now, though!
    Take care,

  3. It looks good! I'm still not totally clear on what violates Blogger's rules with links/ads/whatever but better safe than sorry, I suppose.

    1. Thanks! The new rules are kind of annoying, but so far, so good! *fingers crossed*
