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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Oh Right, Christmas Happened

Christmas was a thing, wasn't it?

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas! I hope you were all warm and safe and happy, and surrounded by the people that you love.

Personally, I had a kind of quiet Christmas at my family's home.  I got a couple of really nice gifts, a couple of very strange gifts and my aunt entirely forgot me and gave everyone else really nice gifts while giving me nothing. My mother and I fought because I wanted to use seasoning in the food during Christmas dinner and she wanted to serve a lot of bland and boiled things and she ended up winning.

My grandmother, who is ninety three and not particularly well (and a large part of the reason that I'm here for such a long period of time) spent a lot of time introducing herself to me. She insisted that I'm not Alex and wouldn't believe anyone who tried to tell her otherwise. At one point, she told me that I must be the same age as her granddaughter, but that she doesn't come visit her much and she hasn't seen her in a long time. She did recognize me once, on Christmas morning, and that was a relieving feeling. It was shortly followed by her asking where basically every deceased member of our family was. We simply responding by telling her that they aren't here, but the the reminder that they aren't was bitter (especially G, of course).

I got to talk to Paul on Christmas Eve, which was the best part of the holiday for me. My mom is very invasive to my privacy, which is part of what makes being at home very hard for me, but I was able to steal away into the room where I'm staying to skype with him. It was similar to the way that I used to sneak off into my bedroom in our old house in order to watch spanking videos as a teen, except now this whole world isn't just a fantasy one for me: it's where I live. It reminded me of how hard it would be for my teenage self to believe just how awesome my life is these days, and how lucky I am to get to do something I love so with such wonderful people. Despite my great dislike of this situation, it was also strangely hot to whisper "Shhhh! My mom will hear you!" when Paul said inappropriate things to me.

In other spanking related news, and in what seems to by my family's time honored tradition, I received something that would make a very good implement. This time, nestled among a few bath products, I received this gem:

It's actually the only wooden hairbrush I've ever found to be good for hair! We'll see about the other use soon enough, I'm sure.
It's always awkward when you get a gift like that from a family member. I later opened it up to look at it and had to sort of clumsily run it through my hair like The Little Mermaid encountering a fork at dinner: I *think* this is what people use this for, right? I had to resist the urge to smack it against my hand, which is the only thing that felt natural to do with it! 

I got sick shortly after Christmas and haven't done too much, hence the fact that it took me five days to finish this post! I don't mean to make it sound like I don't care about my family or enjoy spending time with them: it's just challenging right now. I apologize for being so glum, but things will perk back up soon. I'm hopeful that I can steal away from my family to visit a few friends in the coming days. And soon I'll be back to Los Angeles, where I'm planning to see a bunch of my wonderful friends there right away. I'll be shooting with Chelsea Pfieffer for Good Spanking upon my return, too! I haven't shot for Good Spanking since my first month of spanking modeling so I'm really looking forward to doing that! 

I hate to be a bother, but if you haven't voted for me as Spankee of the Year yet, please consider doing so now! It would certainly cheer me up if I won! 

A much more spanking heavy post coming soon! ❤︎


  1. Congratulations on your creative blog award Alex and it's good to hear you made it through Christmas relatively unscathed. It's also nice to know that there is more than one night owl spanko out there.

    Take care and have a Happy New Year,


    1. Thanks, Ed! Thank you for your early gift, too! It made me smile and I'm sure that once I'm not around my family will make me wince!

    2. I most certain it will and am anxiously waiting to see the results. ;-)

  2. Still having your grandmother at 93 is a very good thing. I had to be a caregiver to parents who had strokes at 78 and 79, giving up a business I had to care for them, before they each died. My mother's funeral was on Halloween 2007, and I thought I'll at least have the dog when I go home. But, the dog died of a broken heart while I was at my mother's funeral. - Treasure your family always. Hanukkah and Christmas are a little bit empty without so many members of my family.
