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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Spankee of the Year, 2014!

This post has been delayed because of the insanity that life has been recently, but I'm finally finishing it! 

I went to bed the night before New Year's Eve feeling pretty down. I had no plans for the following evening except sitting at home on the couch with my family, when I would have much rather been having an exciting, partying adventure. I felt glum.

I woke up the next morning early afternoon and opened up my laptop. I knew that the results for Spankee of the Year were going to be announced that day, and I wasn't sure if they would be up yet or not, but I had been dedicating way more time and attention to this contest than was really necessary.

I discovered that they were, in fact, posted. John's blog is set up so you can't see the full post when you visit the homepage and have to click on the image to continue, which made the suspense of opening the page higher than it would have been. Honestly, I was expecting to not even place in the contest, and I was happy to be among only ten girls nominated. All of the girls who were in the running are absolutely gorgeous and talented performers. Some of them are my very good friends of mine. I had a faint "wouldn't it be awesome if I won?" thought process in the back of my head, but it seemed like a pipe dream to me.

When I clicked though to the page, I saw this:

I just kind of sat there with my mouth hanging open staring at it for a long time.

Despite not actually believing that I was likely to win, I really wanted to. I'll be perfectly honest-- I've always wanted to win this as long as I've been a spanking model. I feel a little bit silly about it, like caring this much about winning an award is somehow childish, but that's the truth. It's a dream come true for me, and I feel so much gratitude towards everyone who voted for me.

Continuing with my vulnerability for a moment, I find this award extremely validating because I've always worried that people don't actually like me as a model and are only putting up with me because I'm there. I know that there are always going to be some people who don't like me, but it makes me really happy to know that there are quite a lot of you who do. So thank you for liking me! You put a smile on my face!

I've been a spanking model for a little over three years now, having done my first shoot in September of 2011. I've done hundreds of videos, shot for 40 some spanking sites and clips stores, worked in three countries, lived out of suitcases for up to two months at a time, met almost almost all the people who I idolized in videos before my modeling days began, made great friends with many of them and, of course, fell in love. I've learned so much about myself, and I'm proud of the ways that I've grown throughout the process. It still sometimes feel surreal to me. I feel so fortunate to get to have all these experiences, and I can't wait to see what the coming years will bring me.

I love what I do so much, and I love connecting with the spanking community. Thank you all for making it possible for me to do this. I will do my best not to get too mushy, but I appreciate all the support that I've gotten over the past couple of years. Whether you left nice comments on my pictures and videos, bought my content, listened to me spazzing out when traveling was stressful, rubbed lotion into my butt after a tough shoot, calmed me down when I worried that I was the worst spanking model ever, gave me a place to crash when I was on the road, encouraged me to be myself, told me you were proud of me or any other amazing thing you did, I appreciate it so much.

As an interesting side note, I did a little bit of research as to who else has been Spankee of the Year and I discovered that it's actually a very small group that I've joined. Since 2007, there have only been five different models named Spankee of the Year: Samantha Woodley in 2007 and 2010, Amelia Jane Rutherford in 2008 and 2009, Ten Amorette in 2011, Sarah Gregory in 2012 and me! This makes me feel even more honored to have been selected.

At the end of the day, I know that this isn't a huge deal, and the world is no different than it was before I was given this award, but it still helps to cheer me out of most funks to think about it, and I still can't really believe that I won. I feel a little overwhelmed by all the things that have happened recently. My book has been well received, I won Best Creative Spanking Blog again and now this! I keep worrying that I've been asleep since December and this is all a dream!

I hope that 2015 is a great year full of lots of spankings! It's been off to a good start so far, having already shot for Good Spanking, and having four more shoots booked for the coming months already, so I have no plans to slow down.

Thank you again if you voted for me. As soon as I get a chance, I'll be making you guys a special thank you gift. ❤︎


  1. Congratulations, you thoroughly deserve it! I don't know of anyone who works as hard as you on the commercial side of what we do, or anyone who enjoys what it is that we do, more. I am SO proud of you!

    1. Thank you! You being proud of me means so much to me. I love you!

  2. Sometimes life gives us little gifts when we need them most. I echo Paul, you deserve it. And you're not only a great spanking model, but you are a lovely person as well. ♥

  3. I'm glad the way my blog works added to your suspense. You are a deserved winner... I know what this meant - as Sarah loved being named "spankee of the year" when she got it - just as she really wanted the "spanker" this time and was so pleased and I know how proud Paul must be of you! So I know what you are feeling. Bravo! Can't wait to catch up with you next month and of course pit the "spankee/spanker" award winners against each other, that's gonna be AWESOME! xx

    1. Thanks for doing the contest, John! I can't wait to see you soon. x

  4. so proud of you winning spankee of the year always knew you would win alex.

  5. Congratulations Alex!! You deserve to be spankee of the year - NOBODY has better reactions than you!! I can't wait to meet you!

    1. Thank you, Dale! I appreciate your kind words! I can't wait to meet you, either!

  6. Congrats Alex! Definitely want to shoot you again this year!

    1. Thanks, Cameraman! Just let me know when! I love shooting for your sites! We should also work on getting together again soon!

  7. So happy for you Alex, it's most certainly deserved. Love to see you if you plan on touring the East coast in 2015. Hope the early Xmas gift is working out. ;-)

    1. Thanks, Ed! I still haven't had much chance for off camera play recently, so I haven't properly explored my gift, but I know I'll love it when I get to! :D
